Sunday, September 9, 2012

Management Consulting - Guidelines for writing a feasibility

We must distinguish between a profile of the project and a feasibility report. A profile is a short write up that summarizes and highlights the essential features of the project, while a report examines all aspects of the project in depth.

So a project profile may be considered as a snapshot while a feasibility report is a film since it digs into the past and analyze the present and project into the future. Most people who think they can write reports ultimately produce documents that can not pass the test.

And this is one more reason why it should be left in the hands of a professional advisor not quacks or charlatans. On the identification of an investment opportunity, a potential investor approaches, consult and commissioned a consultant to undertake a full report.

The practitioner begins by taking a quick listen carefully makes his notes and looks into the proposal. Go now and make the short in certain specific terms of reference, which will serve as a sure guide to achieving the objectives of the proposal.

Therefore, the purpose (s) of the study is clearly defined and stated. The practitioner now has examined the scope of the study and the amount of work done. He divides the entire work units or stages arranged in a logical sequence. It then determines the approach to be taken at every stage of the proposed study.

Financial aspect of a relationship:

The professional must consider the financial environment its customers in order to determine the financing plan of the proposed business. If loans are necessary, ought to have discovered its client banks and keep contacts with executives of the bank credit to ensure that its assessment methods are consistent with the unique needs of the bank so that the relationship will not be rejected.

In doing financial projection, adequate provisions should be made to manage the risks involved in business, statistical techniques, feasibility analysis and sensitivity testing should be carefully implemented to ensure standards and accuracy. So the final document will be authoritative, scientific, comprehensive and bankable.

martins okosina ......

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