Monday, August 27, 2012

Ten characteristics of leadership

Many people are interested in answering the question: "What makes a great leader?". What would you answer this question? There are many lists of these traits written by others. These are excerpts from an article by Bill George former chairman and CEO Medtronic. According to him the most important feature is to be yourself! As you can see many of the characteristics of leadership requires a high degree of self-knowledge. Great leaders know so they can be themselves.

1. Authenticity "After years of studying leaders and their traits, I believe that leadership begins and ends with authenticity."

2. The desire to serve others "authentic leaders really want to serve others through their leadership."

3. Empowering people "are more interested in strengthening the position of people who wear make a difference than they are in power, money, or prestige for themselves."

4. Led by Heart, passion and compassion "are as driven by the quality of the heart, passion and compassion, as they are by qualities of mind."

5. Recognize their shortcomings "Authentic leaders use their natural abilities, but also recognize their limitations and work hard to overcome."

6. Lead with Purpose "They lead with purpose, meaning and values."

7. Building lasting relationships "are building lasting relationships with people."

8. Clear their position "More will follow because they know their position."

9. Uncompromising "When principles are tested, they refuse to compromise."

10. Develop themselves "Authentic leaders are dedicated to the development of themselves because they know that becoming a leader takes a lifetime of personal growth."...

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