Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Meaning Of Names In The Form And Subjective Transliteral

An invitation to think

There is an ancient science where the names are a harbinger of the personality of their owners. There is a still earlier belief is born of scientists Hermetic (worshipers of the God Hermes), where the names were cryptograms or subjective representations of their owners, sometimes messages that can be interpreted by means of hermeneutics.

For example the word in Spanish AMEN generally accepted as "so? And is used as a distinctive word from one form of religion?

There are many instances in which this name appears in the Bible. Moreover it is worth noting that AMEN is a word that is the same way transliteral Egyptian language, Hebrew, Latin, Greek, Anglo-Saxon, English and Spanish.

I should note that in ancient Hebrew God the Father was identified with the word AhMan of curious parallel with AMEN. AhMan title is a name given to God for the Israelites in captivity in Egypt. This name was known to the Egyptians and applied to some of their deities, written with some distortions, such as: AMON RA.

In connection with these interesting definitions, the Jewish Bible Encyclopedia notes in its definition of AMEN, the meaning is identical to co ¬ Jews and Muslims, adding to its manifestation of acquiescence! fervently that something happens, which also consists of the word stands for Al Melech Neeman Hebrew: God, King True, this knowledge is a powerful support to the dictionary definition that makes this Bible word as ancient which he defines as ; Firme. Faithful and True.

It is significant that AMEN is the third person imperative of the verb AMAR, since biblical scripture says that God is love. Moreover it is interesting to note the origin of the names of many things that make up the reality surrounding the subject (the I is located in an activity of consciousness which we have no access on the eve of the reason that so called unconscious ). When we say a certain name is a case to say that the name of the thing or object in question is not totally indifferent to the role assigned in the community of their peers. (Things or people).

Cases are not easily discernible to the first analysis but are events that threaten the foundations of traditional linguistics.


1) ACAB - King of Israel, whose lineage was cursed and I am childless. JUST remarkable coincidence of the verb-ending, ends, ends). In Hebrew ACAB means Uncle.

2) LOBSTER - Insect that has the long body and narrow steady sounds: THE NARROW.

3) TISANE - Argentine herbal preparations, we observed that the name seems heals you.

4) APPLE - Fruit proverbial health. Suggestion: HEALTHIER.

5) ASS - The ass is very reluctant to do what is commanded. Note: DO NOT.

6) SHOTGUN-Spitball spitting, spitting pellets which are small ammunition ..

7) EVA DUARTE - Famous Argentina, generous to the poor. She was a mother for the dispossessed an EVA DUARTE well as generous: GIVE.

8) YEAR - Part of the body known as the great Columbus. We gases. The name ends in ANO gases: butane, propane, methane, octane, etc.. The year also gives off gases.

9) Horus - God of Egyptian mythology, god of day: HORUS: HOURS.

10) Holofernes - General grab that attacks the town of Judith beheading people, symbolizes evil. Note: Holofernes: HELL.

11) Morlas - Mount where Abraham was to kill Isaac. In Hebrew it means SHOWN, observed: MOR? A: She died of the verb die.

12) TACUARl-famous drum in history - note: Tacuri: touch it.

GRA CASE? SEE: Famous well-known case in its scope and severity. Note: Graiver: GRAVE.

13) PACHA-MAMA - Goddess of fertility in Quechua language but it sounds to Breast-Mom.

14) MAMA - KUNA - mother or Governess of the Incas - KUNA MAMA: THE CRADLE OF MAMA.

15) Leverrier: French astronomer and mathematician, he deduced the existence of Neptune by the disturbances observed on Uranus. Then it was discovered and could be seen. Note: Leverrier: I SEE YOU.

16) Lisandro de la Torre: Famous for the scam he discovered, made public against the re ¬, the betrayed. Note: Delatorre: INFORMER.

17) Aristippus of Cyrene, founder of Hedonism, philosophical doctrine of pla ¬ cer. Note: Aristippus of Cyrene: SIREN YOU TYPE.

18) THE PIANO-one of the best known arrangers and composers of tango in Argentina.

19) THE MOON, THE SUN: The Bible says we are the only luminaries to light the earth stations. Note: MOON: THE ONE (single).

SOL: SOLO (solo)

20) ACAT: The most faithful friend of Aeneas in Virgil's Aeneid (Abiding Word)-As Aeneas was the Trojan Team Leader. His loyalty is with ¬ poured into proverb.

21) El Alamein - Battle-ROMMEL fatal to El Alamein, the German? N

22) VALENTINA TERESKOVA: (Russian). The first woman cosmonaut. Observed: STRIP BRUSH BRAVE.

For astrological characteristics:

23) MARS: Death.

24 SATURN: Silent.

25) VENUS: Well (love).

26) URANUS: sullen

27) SUD? N: part of the world too hot. We note, SUDAN: SUDAN sweating (sweating).

28) BUONTALENT I-sculptor of the sixteenth century, see: Buontalenti - GOOD TALENT.

29) Carl Miller. Swedish sculptor prompted the erection of thousands of sources. Note: Milles: thousands.

There are many more cases, we think that probably all the words are susceptible to this type of analysis, the development of linguistics tell someday. Meanwhile, we continue to investigate, the time will leave us clarity, blessing and tell us if you land on a new language.

Nelson Astegher

References used in the investigation:

Theological Doctrine, B. Mc Konki, pag, 29 and 30.

Paul Link Jewish Encyclopedia, Editorial Israel, Spanish 1950.

Bible Dictionary (Macmillan, WW Rand)

Research Library of the Institute of Higher Education and ICEP Investigation. Rosario, Santa Fe, Argentina. (Institutoicep@argentina.com)

Summary of Item:

What are the scope of traditional linguistics? The word represents a concept of the object. There is an ancient science where the names are a harbinger of the personality of their owners. A still earlier belief is born of Hermetic scientists (worshipers of the God Hermes), where the names were cryptograms or subjective representations of their owners, sometimes messages that can be interpreted by means of hermeneutics.

For example the word in Spanish AMEN generally accepted as "so? And is used as a distinctive word from one form of religion?. Amen is also one of the names of God.

There are many instances in which this name appears in the Bible.

Moreover it is worth noting that AMEN is a word that is the same way transliteral Egyptian language, Hebrew, Latin, Greek, Anglo-Saxon, English and Spanish. In addition to other meanings of this word, we must ask what part of our senses pick up the meanings of the voices, and they represent in our inner world.

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