Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Colorín Colorado
The reporter who asked the interview with the four babies from Alicante (Spain), was more than thoughtful for a month and a half in the rented yacht in Ibiza (thanks to their stories about famous botched mini-thong) and reached to a remarkable conclusion: "Babies are not smart, I must have something in the brain caused by such mega-party at night Madrileña tacky ... I'm not well, that's all." It all started with a painted on the wall of the school Our Lady of everything broken, and a group of children between 1 and 4 years were devoted to decorate the walls ultra-white, full of surrealism portals work close to DAL? . The association of "babies together by the imagination to power," declared the following:
Daniel, 2 years: "Well, we just wanted to change the energy of the room based on new colors that transmute negative energies into energies far greener and more positive for everyone, especially for those adults who still do not have the third eye open and can not see the souls who have just arrived and we are not willing to swallow their intellectual mediocrity and stupidity adultus, tipicus-humanus. " Gervasio, 11 months: "Grace to la revolution française j'ai ne pas parler appris to personne evil." Lilianna, 1 ½ "Stato d'accordo pienaar with il mio colleghi, ma anche, voglio a avvocato." Make no mistake, these kids have no parents Italian French or simply spend their hours of "thoughtful spot" imposed on them cortitos tutors, reading and learning other languages. Or so say his lawyers ... The reporter did not fear returning to Spain dicharrachero in case a child of 2 or 4 year old demand for incompetence and misrepresentation of the real truth about the babies of the school so striking. Colorín Colorado is not a story or the end of any of these, is simply the ability to mostly giant light beings that we embellish life with God and genuine creativity.
Public Speaking: Serving The Power Of Speech
We opened in past articles a set of notes we try to bring all the art of public speaking, what is for many a problem because we unconsciously nerves enter. We talked about general aspects of how to count and effectively convey what we want to convey to our listeners, we will amend these aspects in successive post.
In this article we will discuss the issue of anti-stress tool alimentacióncomo, something very important and almost no one has in mind when speaking in public, carbohydrates, fruits, ginssem, royal jelly, etc.. the we take into account prior to exposure in public.
Royal jelly and related products are particularly suitable if you want to control nerves before public speaking. The recommendation is that both the jelly and the other foods mentioned include them in your diet on a regular basis, if it is too late and soon will have an appointment with the public, do not expect to include in your diet. Royal Jelly, a substance secreted by worker bees and is fed to the queen bee and her larvae, combats the symptoms of stress and fatigue by their energetic properties, oxygenating and nutritivas.Ginseng, a great unknown: belonging to medicine China, you can find at any pharmacy, and is used as an anti-stress in addition to many other applications (cleanser, anti anemic ...). The carbohydrates that have foods like potatoes, pasta, rice and bread, among others, are slow-burning what they play for active relaxation, the day you have stressful situations is good that your meals contain potassium carbono.El carbohydrate vegetables and fruit will help to control the pressure blood, so take the above in conjunction with food prior to day of your presentation.
You should know that the immune system breaks down under stress and that its composition, fruits and vegetables will strengthen your defensas.Las infusions, known to all, will help for its calming effect (chamomile, lime ...). Vitamin supplements, although it is often recommended taking the day to speak in public will be an ally and that in situations of extreme nervousness reduces body levels of some vitamins and minerals so that in periods of anxiety are aconsejables.No take sugary substances, sweets and anything related because they are fast-burning and no mood swings will generate appropriate when speaking in public.
As you can see, is a change of registration in respect of the advice given in past articles to deal successfully with the public presentation, not despise this advice because, although they are in the background on have Alcom will help you when talking in public. To read more on this subject click here. Your comments are important, do not hesitate to leave them in the section below.
Tropical Forests and the total economic value
Mode-indigenous peasant life has a perspective and ancient wisdom to care for your natural and spiritual wealth. But capitalism has imposed, economic and political, technological models to "preserve" and exploit indigenous territories promoting plantations, management plans, identification and trade in land, property records of water sources, biopiracy, GM seeds and ecotourism. All these ways to rearrange the area are homogenizing, isolate and fragment the peoples' relationship with their environment and the ecological base that sustains it (José Godoy-2005) In the late 60's, the Club of Rome, created by a group of entrepreneurs and executives of transnational corporations (Xerox, IBM, Fiat, Remington Rand, Olivetti, etc.), opened the debate on demands for nonrenewable resources. Appearing MEADOWS Report, called: "The Limits to Growth? document signals a time for the depletion of natural resources. The Meadows report Limits to Growth is the shift of the environmental issue in terms of culture and politics, and its uptake by techno-scientific logic, it was being criticized. The model of human action or instrumental rationality forged in Western Europe from the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries the world expands endangering the planet, the state monopoly capitalism, liberal cutting and privatization, and state capitalism monopoly, with the advent of environmentalism in the 60's, promoted awareness of the overall risk to the environmental challenge, risk to the whole planet and for humanity in the exact measure, especially of a commercial nature which has in itself the inequality by being soaked in the coloniality of power.
20% of the world's richest residents consume nearly 80% of raw materials and energy produced annually (model-limit). Five planets would be required to offer to all inhabitants of the Earth the lifestyle lived by the rich of the rich and poor. It is the poor who is threatening the planet and humanity, as is implied. We lived through the crisis of scarcity (pollution) in the air and water shortage (limits) of minerals and energy, loss of soils (limits) need a time, not least, geomorphological (geological), for training, elements ( air, water, fire, earth) were given and that Western culture and westernized estimated to be without. The greenhouse effect, the hole in the ozone layer, global climate change, toxic waste, and garbage that we generate ourselves daily, are the clearest evidence of these limits on a global scale. There is a culture or a people who risk their very existence. Globalization of rationality, driven by economic logic leads inexorably to an economy that ignores that is embedded in the earth, air, water, soil, underground (minerals), the cycles vital food chains, carbon, oxygen ... all mankind, unevenly, is subject to the risks arising from actions undertaken by some for the benefit of some.
The struggle for the appropriation of biodiversity for the enjoyment of its benefits clearly stated interests among nations. The rationality of the market and sustainable development is manifested in the re-appropriation to maintain, enhance and enjoy the greatest earthly "Biological and Cultural Diversity?. Biodiversity be understood as the sum total of living organisms that exist on earth, being the result of millions of years of evolution. Where the human species and their cultures have emerged from their adaptations, their knowledge of their use. Biodiversity has two inseparable dimensions: the biological and cultural. Thus a property of living things and makes them different cultural and unique. 50 to 80% of the planet's biodiversity is found in tropical countries (Brazil, Colombia, Mexico, Zaire, Madagascar and Indonesia), who have suffered in the past 100 years, huge loss of rainforests and the disappearance of her indigenous population at the rate of one tribe every year. 6.000 Half the native languages spoken in the world today are in danger of disappearing in the next 100 years, with her knowledge and skills disappear management of the biodiversity of the earth (UNL, IUCN, UNEP-1992) 200 000 000 Native (5% of the population of the earth) maintain levels of biodiversity, they are custodians of biological diversity on earth.
The struggle for their natural habitats is of survival. The loss of ecosystems means the disappearance of the biological culture. The importance of the Amazon forest is not simply the effect of heavy rain or intense sunlight or the forest soils rich consume. No. The forest part of the weather, shaped through evapotranspiration, carbon fixation (average, seventy tons per hectare), redefining the relationship of incidence of solar radiation with refraction of that energy (albedo). Involved not only in the water balance of the region with the thermal equilibrium evapotranspiration, but contributes to the dynamic equilibrium of the global climate. The critical areas are located in endangered rain forests (Mittermier-1992), occupy 1% of the planet's surface and represent 12% of tropical forests still exist (its disappearance is expected in 40 years), housing between 30% and 40% of the biodiversity of the earth. Life also is responsible for the dynamic equilibrium of the planet. -The Industrial Revolution. Started using solar energy stored in mineral form, such as fossil energy, produced in geological time of millions of years. Again, biological life, through a man-made artifact interferes with the conditions of dynamic equilibrium of the planet.
(Greenhouse effect, ozone layer) testing their limits. Business logic, private, at odds with these principles in so far as the atmosphere is convivial place than it is diverse, where nature and culture are complex and contradictory a structured whole. Meanwhile, if the market shows business to find ways to reward investments according to their potential risk, not so with regard to environmental risks. The atmosphere, qualified in its materiality, is not reducible to logic quantitative monetary-financial considerations and time needed to replenish the eroded soil is beyond the time of human history, it is impossible to revive extinct species (extinction is forever) or dispose of radioactive waste, whose lifetime is of thousands or millions of years, or recover mineral resources that are themselves non-renewable.
Nothing seems to make sense not to be from market economy. The environmental field is not immune to this illusion a diffusion of the notion of sustainable development, the transformation imposed in the 90's, especially after Rio-92, the economic intervention of most sectoral policies promoted by environmental multilateral organizations (prominently, the World Bank). We are not surprised, therefore, when we face the sad spectacle of misery and devastation, they try to impose a single logical generalized commodification. A forest is not the same for a people who have lived with it thousands of years for a timber that, rather than wood, are interested in transforming them into something abstract money in the life of a community, for whom a mineral wealth has not any sense, can become a nightmare if oil is discovered lands, gold or other mineral of interest to any employer or any state eager to make concessions to companies and also to collect more taxes. The environmental challenge confronts us with the need to build new theories that take as their basis of wealth, not scarcity.
The nature, converted into private property, will be buying and selling absolute commodification. In the 70's and 80 developed a critical movement related to the dynamics of the Revolution (in the relations of power through technology) Verde. In this movement originated a movement of alternative agriculture, organic agriculture, agro-ecology, which established terms such as: agro-toxic and put a negative to all agrochemical. Beyond the measures intended to improve the image and watch a healthier environment, at least on the rich side of the planet, agrochemical companies are trying to improve the environmental efficiency of their own practices, recognizing in practice, the strength of the arguments of his critics. The new biotechnologies, such as GM-can provide genetic mixtures that reduce the ecological impact of use of inputs. The differences between the new phase of development of relations of power through biotechnology and old are natural breaks the barrier of producing genetically modified organisms (GMOs) to produce transgenic organisms modified (OTMs) and occurs a disposal / disqualification the traditional knowledge / actual in February 2001, Cancun (Mexico), was formed the Group of Countries-Mega several of which are currently part Bolivia, Brazil, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, Philippines, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Malaysia, Mexico, Peru, South Africa and Venezuela, which has been systematically consulted by international organizations like the WTO and the World Bank, but in which everything is being decided at the level of government, without consulting concern the population, which means 45% of the world's cultural diversity (present in those countries), to know what you think of the current proposals.
The big oil corporations in the world, multilateral institutions that support them, as the World Bank and large NGOs. They are responsible for endangering the fate of the planet, especially when it comes to light what happens to the populations of places and regions where these oil corporations more directly exert their action and on which leave their particular brand of oil spills and blood. The World Bank (year 2000) approved loans worth about $ 200 million for the project the Chad-Cameroon, an area where they are present ExxonMobil and Chevron (Friends of the Earth, 2001). The World Bank supported while these big, giant projects, criticized by environmentalists in the 70 and 80 for supporting the construction of large dams, roads and other infrastructure for the expansion of development. The greatest success of the Small Projects Program of the World Bank may be cooling the contradictions generated by the projects of development, which, on the other end, with the Bank's support through its Major Projects Program (PGP ).
In the case of environmental issues, specifically, much of the resources for environmental policies in poor countries comes from the World Bank and other multilateral institutions. A study in Funbio, a nongovernmental organization stimulated by the World Bank (which gives institutional and financial support), whose objective was to implement the Convention on Biological Diversity in different countries, here in Brazil. Noteworthy is the institutional form and power of that NGO, was one of the most pathetic of these societies. Something similar happened in Ecuador when (where you can find indigenous Huaorani,) gave the Italian Agip Oil transnational, permission to build an oil platform, extending a pipeline and extract oil from the northeastern province of Pastaza in exchange for the company delivers : (...) to each of the six communities Huaorani, a classroom, a health course, a radio, a battery with solar panel, 50 kilos of rice, 50 of sugar, two cubes of fat, a bag salt, a whistle judge and two soccer balls, 15 plates, 15 cups and a wardrobe with 200 dollars in medicines, in a single game? (Marin, 2003).
In the early 90's, those same 22 Huaorani communities fighting transnational oil companies, which also had military protection of the Ecuadorian state and, at that time, the Huaorani of Ecuador (...) succeeded in mobilizing national environmental organizations and international against the planned oil exploitation DuPont-Conoco Oil Company in Indian Territory. The Huaorani organizing campaign, had the support of the international indigenous organization SAIIC (Oakland, California) and the Sierra Club Legal Defense Fund (EUA), was successful and canceled oil company operations in Indian territory. The Peruvian Amazonian indigenous organizations gained a similar success with the announcement of the cancellation, in September 1991 the contract of Texas Crude Oil Company, Houston, Texas, with the Peruvian government for the exploitation of the region in Pacaya Samiria Amazon Indians (Varèse-1991) All this complex web of conflicting interests was captured by the natives organized around the Coordinator of Indigenous Organizations of the Amazon Basin (COICA). In its resolutions declare: "Faced with the incursion of extractive industries on indigenous ancestral territories, COICA declares peace and development space for the survival of indigenous peoples?.
Requires governments to reinforce the demarcation and legalization of these territories, declaring some areas untouched, to review contracts with these companies, to develop policies and strategies that respect the collective rights of indigenous peoples? (COICA, 2003). Another dispute is already starting to see is the ownership and control of water, which has been accentuated in recent years, particularly in the second half of the 90's. If we take as "Our Common Future?, Brundtland Commission report and the various documents and treaties that emerged from the Rio-92 meeting, including the Agenda XXI and the Earth Charter as the most important references of the field environment in the last twenty years, become so timid amazing treatment it deserves the water, when compared with the highlight has been the subject in the last decade, the point of being marketed as a potential generating future wars The nearly 8 million square kilometers of tropical forest relatively continuous, largely closed, in Brazil, Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Peru, Suriname and Venezuela, are holders of 460 tons of biomass per hectare on average, are 70% water, becoming a true "green ocean? evapotranspiration depends whose climate, and people living in vast areas of Central and South America, the Caribbean, North America and worldwide.
Today, with a diesel engine for underground water (aquifers) and surface waters, as water tables are not sufficient, at least at the time and at the desired location. An increasing exploitation of groundwater and, thus, introduces a new component in the overall environmental injustice in the world (and country). Criticism of the very idea of development, as environmentalists had made in the 60-70 years, went over to eco-development and, later, sustainable development, and for those winding roads their own idea of development was revived, the Stockholm Conference and Rio de Janeiro, not only have increased the rates of exploitation and transformation of resources, new strategies have also emerged on the nature of intervention and new manifestations of their impacts and ecological risks. No longer frightened when we hear that the water and biodiversity should be treated as a world heritage site there and then identify the interests of rich countries in the Amazon. The Italian Ricardo Petrella (2001) warned that exactly heritage of mankind, water, air or knowledge are resources that can not be privatized, either by national or transnational corporations.
As we conclude that part of the welfare of the human population depends directly or indirectly, of biodiversity, either through the use of many species or through the enjoyment of intangible services resulting from systemic economic processes. The emergence of indigenous and peasant struggles for natural resources is the struggle for conservation of biodiversity, the fight for life. The indigenous and peasant communities in Latin America and the world are carriers of an ancient knowledge on biodiversity, plants, animals, water and climate. Research has shown that three-quarters of all prescription drugs of plant origin that are in the world market is about 43.000 million dollars, according to Rural Advancement Foundation International, (year 95) were discovered because of its previous use in indigenous medicine. They are so vital that companies have based their civilizing process material and energy in biomass and biodiversity, with a specific way of conceiving the relationship between nature and society. Authors such as Bawa and Gadgil (1997) recognized the Indians as people who make up the ecosystem for millennia-natural cultural landscapes. Then capital is in a great dilemma on the one hand needs to "steal" indigenous knowledge and the other dealing with the process of exclusion and extermination of the indigenous cultures of the world, a phenomenon that is already proving contradictory.
ANNA BERMEO periodismointernacional.ning.com TURCHI 3504 CPP / 06/06/2009 Carlos Walter Porto Gonçalves - Environmental Challenge: United Nations Program for Environment-2004 Ana Patricia Noguera de Echeverri-enchantment of the world: United Nations Middle United Alejandro Toledo Colombia 2004 Economics of biodiversity: United Nations Program for Environment-Mexico 1998
Ignacio Ortega Writer Shadows in the center of Almeria, in any street, sniffing beggars open dumpsters-a sort of giant stink bombs around us, in search of food and old clothes. About the air becomes unbreathable and foul odor grave while you soar dozens of flies towards you. Urban night-shadows look like that phantasmagoria that launched the beginnings of cinema magic lanterns on the white walls of our streets, that suddenly materialized in the streets as they do not own. Scavenge and collect their loot container, like a grotesque scene of Valle Inclán. The scene is repeated every night. They are the new poor of Almería thrown there by the crisis in sight disturbing.
It happens from one end to the city. At the doors of supermarkets and shopping malls on certain days of the week, coinciding with the times when the stores get rid of expired products, at the El Puche, in the area twenty, Fish, along with the headquarters of the Mercy Street in Granada ... under cover of darkness emerge such marginalization and poverty underground hiding comfortable society. They remind me of "Wall-e?, That movie sales ranking of Americans who tells the tenderness of a robot left on earth who is collecting garbage. Can a piece of tin wire wake up full of tenderness for our poor? If you stop and look at them you will see are shadows, challenging, winners of their own humiliation to look wiser and sadder than thought possible. There are each installed in its reality, its desires and fears, burning in the center of their lives, which are unique and very important days for each of them and, at night, only the dim memory of a memory, indistinguishable in the sea drops on your needs, vague traces of famished shadows procession.
Even the best social film by Ken Loach and Jean Pierre's fantasy in his films Jounet could pick up the noise of life of those shadows, because it is impossible to take in images or journey into poverty and the infinite diversity of their existence. On the other side are those of the affluent society, such that their waste packages and waste properly every day. At the end of the day, our poor have no other opportunity to sweep streets, collect garbage or join the strike.
Your First Car Insurance
If you dream of buying your first car, it is likely that the insurer do not think you should choose. The fact is that the choice of insurance in Mexico should be as important as choosing your car. Consider that when you drive a car have increased risk of an accident, so it is necessary to have an insurance that will provide the necessary support in case of any unforeseen event.
Insurance Basics
First, it is useful to understand what an insurance company, what it does for you and why it is necessary to have one that offers quality services. When you have an accident, you are responsible for paying all damages it causes, including repairs and medical expenses. An auto insurer provides a way to take care of financial obligations that come from a car accident. For many, assume financial responsibility for an accident is often a luxury.
Having auto insurance is mandatory and if Mexico does not have a good insurance to back you up can you remove the license or you have a problem with authority in question.
Understand your insurance
Any insurance policies are complex, so it is necessary to start with a solid base of knowledge when seeking a car insurance coverage adequate. You can also talk to an insurance agent to better understand what type of insurance and benefits does this or that auto insurer. An insurance agent can help you find an insurer that is accessible to you.
You will have to pay more
Insurers usually charge more for young drivers. However, it believes that you should not pay more than necessary. Compare among auto insurers. Find out how much it will cost to secure your car and if there are discounts available to you. The fact that you're young does not mean you pay too much.
Ultimately, choosing a good insurer may make a significant difference in budget and in case of an accident, would get quality care. Take time to understand the insurance options you have and choose the best option for you.
Once you've chosen an insurer, you can use the following tips to lower the cost of your policy. Many people pay high fees to insurers without realizing that there are usually a lot of different discounts that could be used. Save money with these tips:
1 .- Anti-theft devices in your car. Some insurers offer discounts if you have a car anti-theft device. Depends on the company and. The country's laws regarding auto theft.
2 .- More time. There are insurers who charge extra if your contract is paid monthly or quarterly. An alternative is to seek your payment is annual, so you can save a little more.
3 .- Payment by credit card. Several insurers give you a discount on premiums payable only by credit card or check.
4 .- Discounts online. In many cases, insurers offer discounts and promotions on their websites. Consider hiring your homeowners insurance, medical expenses, etc.., With the same company that offers auto insurance.
Monday, July 30, 2012
Learning to Sing - The First Steps To Develop A Voice Enviable
Being new to a discipline is not easy, usually one is full of questions, problems, and generally not well understood how to do things. Fortunately this is a passing event which is only in the lives of people at the beginning of every procedure. There are people who believe that the innate song is an art that can not learn, they say that only those born appropriate for singing, can have a good development as a singer.
Throughout history many examples have shown that the above statement is not true, not only born just having a good voice, you also need good training, a steep learning curve, that is where you can say that until the singer innate most recognized had to have in your mind and learn to sing but his voice was superb.
The song is composed of many elements, not only are they released from the mouth work, the process of singing is so complex that people can spend their entire life perfecting their techniques. Breathing is crucial and should be handled, nobody is born knowing how to breathe properly when singing, just as learning to issue certain notes is a job that only with practice and effort is able to dominate, that is why it is can say that knowing how to learn to sing is the first step in a chain that a singer should be handled in his career profession.
It is unlikely that anyone teach you how to learn to sing, however there may be some mental stimulation, skills, knowledge, tools, so that the work is complete, developed, and above all perfect, it is necessary that every singer in power, either because born with a good voice, or because it is a great student of music is considered an apprentice in the early stages of life.
If you think you can sing, or have a deep desire to learn how to sing, there is a method that always works no matter how bad or how good you think you are, click here to learn more.
Photo Of The Day: 06/03/2011 "The Valley Of Punishment"
I remember when I read children's stories. Impossible fables, where the inanimate come to life. Where the living, became inert objects. I especially liked one that was titled "The Valley of punishment." Try to remember, was something like ... Once upon a time, in a remote country, a small village, where people lived happily. They cultivated the land and tending the animals. They shared in harmony, all they had. Then one day a stranger arrived with the news of an amazing discovery. A few miles from town, had found oil. Black gold, dazzled said, the hitherto peaceful neighbors. The newcomer, never stopped chattering, to highlight how wonderful it would be that for the future. How much would change their lives. How happy they would from now on. At first, he listened without paying much attention. Paparruchas, said the most elderly residents. But the days passed and the seed of greed began to sprout in some locals. Gradually, they were neglecting their crops. The dried plantations, crops were lost. Many animals died of hunger and thirst, locked in the stables. Others, more fortunate managed to escape and survive in the mountains, taking out his wild side. Men and women everywhere pierced in search of the coveted treasure.
Legend has it that one day the earth, tired of her womb cut to extract their wealth, exhausted by the usury of his former caregivers, decided to end this destructive attitude. While working overtime in the removal of thousands of barrels, a huge crack opened up before his astonished eyes. A major result of the deep and looked for a few seconds getting a gigantic human form he shouted: "You have destroyed my heart, you are stealing my blood. I gave fruits and vegetables that you serve food, I offered trees to protect you with its shadow, rivers to quench your thirst, lakes for swimming and fishing, and what is how I be grateful?, Torn my guts to steal my treasure, when you leave my legacy to die there on the surface?. Well, this is the punishment: Anyone who dares to re-extract a single drop of oil, the whole key to his paws on me ... will become forever in trunk, dry and abandoned in the wilderness. " The root disappeared and the crack closed. After the first shock, victims of greed, continued drawing the coveted fluid. The next morning, a grandfather who came to look around the area found a gruesome sight.
Hundreds of logs dry, ghostly shapes of hands for help, inhabited the valley. Just listening to the breeze, caressing the abandoned branches. Some say they were the voices of those punished, asking for forgiveness and mercy. Too late, the old man muttered, too late.
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Girona Kids
Girona is a good place for a holiday. You and the Pyrenees near the spectacular Costa Brava. I'll give you ideas.
We set our headquarters in the camp were Preses Natura, near Olot. We are talking about the region of Garrotxa, a volcanic area with lush vegetation. At times we seemed to be in the jungle. From there take a beautiful greenway which runs by the environment (forest and river banks). It was originally called the Ferro greenway, then Greenway Carrilet. Exits Ripoll, and the brave can reach the sea at San Feliu de Guixols. From this camp you ride it all for you to enjoy the greenway family.
Another interesting excursion is to the Vall de Nuria, and in the Pyrenees. It is a valley that is accessed with the cog railway, very special. The climb has a crumb, but has lost some because of a tunnel. Above you can walk, browse the pond, the cable car up to a shelter, or enjoy the views. There is a children's activity center .... but found it very expensive for what it was. Lowering important to visit the railway museum zipper, because children can be machined for a day.
If you do not want to bike or walk, you can visit volcanoes (off course) but the kids take a despago, expecting to find flames and demons ..... and it takes imagination because vegetation covers everything. Also visit the Jordà Fageda where horse-drawn carriage visit a beech forest. Magical place where it looks like a rock behind you is going to leave you stiff Robin Hood.
We also have close Besalú, beautiful medieval town, where it is very difficult for kids not come out with swords and shields typical club.
If you think this bit, you can make day trips to coastal towns like Cadaqués. Visit the Dali Museum in Figueres or a train of cement. Not bad thermal-leisure center Magma.
Plastic Surgery in Medford
Lives and works in Medford one of the surgeons most popular plastic surgery cosmetic tourism. Dr. Jensen is the attending physician to most customers who want to trust the end result will be as good or better than expected.
One of the most praised aspects of the doctor is the naturalness of the finish of their surgical operations that hide perfectly with that of a person not to do any cosmetic surgery.
It also participates in humanitarian aid missions to poor countries that need surgeons to solve problems of the population. This is the case of Operation Mend, which in 2002 consisted in working as volunteers in South American countries like Guatemala, to practice reconstructive surgery for free.
Therefore, you can be completely calm and confident that with the experience that supports this doctor, who is the founder, medical director of the Center Robet Jensen, most cosmetic treatments can make you wish you can do at this clinic Medford in the annual operations that make many of the famous liposuction, and facial treatments such as a facelift or even the increasingly popular breast implants.
It can be said in many ways, cosmetic tourism, medical tourism, health tourism or any other term, but we must never forget that an operation always yields the best results if accompanied by entertainment. We enjoy a beautiful autumn afternoon in the park Alba, the oldest of the city, and to complement a quiet afternoon in the park with a morning knowledge in the public library is a few meters away.
Saturday, July 28, 2012
Blanes and Tossa de Mar: Tourism Culture and beaches on the Costa Brava
The beach of San Francesco in Blanes
One of the most outstanding beaches in the municipality of Blanes is San Francisco, which has the distinctive Blue Flag for its excellent facilities and the cleanliness of their waters and sand. This is a beach surrounded by pine trees and ideal for families because of its size and facilities. Access from the village are various: you can reach both the botanical garden Marimurtra as Sant Joan. Is 220 meters long and 35 meters wide and usually the occupancy level is high. This semi-urban beach sand composition of which is also known as Cala Bona, rental service has hammocks and parasols, showers and paper, but instead has no access for the disabled and diving areas.
Do not hesitate to rent an apartment on the Costa Brava to visit this pristine beach.
Walled Tossa de Mar Tossa Bay has a medieval walled town, Vila Vella, in a small promontory on the beach, with seven circular towers. Originally estimated in the twelfth century to prevent hacker attacks. Inside are the remains of a church and the palace of the governor of the fourteenth century. Near the complex there are archaeological finds of what was once a Roman villa of the fourth century the Roman town of Els Ametllers. City has a museum inside the enclosure, with archaeological collections of local and foreign painting, sculpture and glass.
The walls of the Vila Vella is the symbol that best represents Tossa de Mar and are considered the only example of a fortified medieval village that exists on the Catalan coast. Were built, as has been said, in the twelfth century and rebuilt in the late fourteenth century, by the Governor placi. They are kept in very good condition with crenellated walls, four towers and three cylindrical towers, the Torre del Codolar, Torre d'en Joan and the Torre de les Hores. Its interior was home more than eighty houses and in the fifteenth century there arose a Gothic church, now in ruins, which are classified as National Monument.
The cities hosting The Parties
HolidayCheck discover all the cities that will host the World Cup.
Jo'burg, as they call colloquially Johannesburg, South Africa, is the fourth African economy and one of the 40 largest metropolitan areas in the world. It is 1723 meters above sea level. Maybe that's why we mistakenly believe that is the capital of South Africa but it is not. It will play games in two stadiums: Soccer City and Ellis Park Stadium. The first is the World's largest stadium and the eighth largest in the world with a capacity of 94,700 spectators. It will place the two most important events: the opening match and final of 11 July.
Cape Town
It is the legislative capital of South Africa and tourist city. The landscape combines sea and mountains. From the Table Mountain or "Table Mountain" can admire a 360 ° panorama over the city, and in the Long Street to enjoy the lively nightlife of South Africa. Their stadium, Green Point, is an architectural masterpiece that has cost 605 million dollars. Also known as "African Renaissance Stadium", his works are over a year late.
Its port is the largest in Africa, hosting the largest container terminal in the southern hemisphere that employs more than 100,000 people. It is a cosmopolitan and thriving along the Indian Ocean by the United Nations awarded as Best Managed City? Africa. With a 4-km coastline of beaches, the most visited is the Shaka Marine World, one of the most famous water parks in the world with dolphin and an aquarium built into a sunken ship. This summer another popular will: the Moses Mabhida Stadium, with a modern roof that covers all the steps but leaves open the field.
In Afrikaans the name means literally "town of rest." Perhaps because it is located in the heart of the bush at the foot of Mount Megaliesberg. Its main economic engine is the extraction of platinum mines. In fact Rustenburg is the leading world producer of this mineral. The Spanish team and played a game against South Africa in the Royal Bafokeng stadium for 2009 FIFA Confederations Cup. Previously used for rugby competitions. And it has been remodeled for the World Cup. It has expanded its capacity to 3,000 seats, and installed lighting and giant screens. Bafokeng is the name of the tribe of the area.
A 60 km south of the Tropic of Capricorn, Polokwane is in the land of the giant Baobab trees and represents the main economic and cultural center of the Limpopo. Dominated by a tropical climate, is distinguished by its endless landscapes of meadows and towering mountains. It is surrounded by Botswana, Zimbabwe and Mozambique. Makapan cave retains its fossil remains of the Stone Age. Peter Mokaba stadium emulates its silhouette of a Baobab and has been modernized on the occasion of the World.
The perfect location to enjoy a safari. To the northeast of South Africa, on a plateau 660 meters above sea level, the city of Nelspruit is located a few kilómentros Kruger National Park, the most famous of all? Africa. It is also the capital of the province of Mpumalaga, which Siswati, one of the eleven official languages? Africa, meaning "place where the sun rises." Your Mbombela stadium is very original. The pillars are shaped like a giraffe and chairs creating a striking striped effect.
It is the administrative capital of South Africa and one of the leading cities in terms of academics. It has the best universidadesdel Africa. A 50 km. Johannesburg, Pretoria mixture of old and new, and shall embrace contemporary art with historic monuments. Their stadium Loftus Versfeld is one of the oldest in the country. With capacity for 50,000 people in 1995 hosted the Rugby World Cup.
Port Elizabeth
Surrounded by stunning beaches, and numerous buildings of Victorian architecture, Port Elizabeth is an attractive tourist destination. It was named after the governor's wife Rufane Donkin. Its colonial atmosphere traps the most nostalgic. In the Nelson Mandela Bay stadium, along the North End Lake, will host eight matches, including the party of the third and fourth.
It is the administrative and judicial capital of South Africa, and is in the heart of the country. It is known as the "City of Roses" because of the beauty of its gardens and parks. Archeology lovers visit her South African National Museum, with one of the largest collections of fossils and archaeological finds of the country. The citizens of this region are considered the most enthusiastically of South Africa and will guarantee the good humor in the games to be played in the Free State Stadium in Bloemfontein.
A Treasury Around Rome: The Villa Adriana
A first visit to Rome can become bewildered by the endless list of monuments, archaeological sites, museums and other historical attractions of all time there to visit. Few cities in the world focus so much history per km. square as the Eternal City.
But not all tourists know Hadrian's Villa in Tivoli, about 20 km. south of the city. This is an impressive archaeological heritage but also an oasis of peace and nature, ideal after several days of tours through the streets of Rome.
Many Roman emperors built their palaces individuals, beginning with Nero and his Domus? Urea, which is now being slowly excavated. But Villa Adriana is somewhat different. It is the dream of stone and the shelter of an emperor traveler, philosopher and worship. Even today, in ruins, conveys the mindset of this man, humane and cruel at the same time accurate reflection of classical antiquity.
Hadrian hated the city of Rome, so eventually he built his palace at Tibur, now called Tivoli. Your villa is actually a collection of outbuildings and overlapping, in a way harmonious disorder. We know from excavations and contemporary chroniclers each part or area of the town was subject, relating to the territories of the Empire that Adriano had visited in person during the course of his travels.
Walking among the ruins today imposing and silent in his distinguished more or less visible two spaces, the canopy and the Serapeum, which apparently were inspired by Egypt. It also invites us to contemplate and reflect the so-called Maritime Theatre, a huge pool with an island in its center, on which was a library in which it seems that Adriano had taken refuge when finished also hated by the court that he had to accompany their stays at Tibur.
Today there are more than proud brick walls and columns, shows the strength of Roman architecture. Surrounded by stunning nature, emit an immense peace and tranquility, especially in winter, outside the tourist season. Hard to imagine that most of the town was covered in marble and mosaic floors.
The Villa Adriana was abandoned, forgotten, almost untouched by barbarian invasions until the Renaissance, in which the Cardinal Ippolito d'Este, son of Lucrezia Borgia, thoroughly looted it to decorate his own palace-sanctuary nearby. Therefore, after the visit to the village and to get an idea of the splendor that must have in his day, should also visit the Villa d'Este next, where you will find many of the statues and mosaics looted from Villa Adriana.
What you will find other treasures in the Vatican Museum or in the Capitoline Museum in Rome. The rest, all to no avail marble and antique cardinals of the Renaissance, was burned in lime kilns. Still, the breathtaking Villa Adriana bare walls, built 1800 years ago, invite reflection on an era of Western history before sinking into the darkness of superstition and darkness of centuries to come.
To visit the Villa Adriana can hire a tour at any travel agency or at the front desk of most hotels in Rome. But if you want to completely immerse yourself in the magic of this site and delve into the personality of the great Emperor Hadrian, we advise you on a tour notes theme by experts in history or archeology.
More Than Montserrat Mountain is the bargain The Grail
In this image of her face appeared strangely, I find support for recognizing the artistic ability of certain stones. The appearance of Montserrat are disordered only by what looks to be the "miracle mountain" of Catalonia. It is a beautiful work of art, because in the end meets the object that is intended: to be a benchmark capital in the way of human progress, because, as we're gregarious, we need models to imitate them ... like the look of this masculine face huge claims by their seriousness and silence. In my four decades of defending alone (and apparently in vain) the high universal mission of this phenomenon, if any merit is that I am pleased I have been their only voice, at least during that time. Can not exist in the world a greater reward for a man.
This face set by the high cliffs of Montserrat, in Catalonia, is presented with serene aspect of wisdom, and is uncommonly achieved with isolated pinnacles, ... and will remain so when humans no longer left no trace. Meanwhile, I believe in fate and in ours, it complies with the requirements of all manmade temples to the divinity of the moment: it combines grandeur and severity without neglecting the pyramidal dominant in earlier times. But also remember the divinity of those believers in the God of Moses.
Never dared to human intelligence to make a face-shaped temple. Now that a face immense generously he has shown at the top of Montserrat, it is obviously ideal human face how to channel the feeling of divinity to his favorite creature, ... one that is able to recognize each other and worship its infinite and omnipresent qualities and attributes. That's a believer.
On the other hand, always ask what physical reality could create such CARA in Upper Montserrat, and intuition-made place a millennium ago, the monastery of Santa Maria at the exact point where it makes it look like a "third eye" on the front of the human face of Montserrat. The latter now know:
On the landing of the privileged place at the monastery, the vertical cliffs are tightened so that, in modern buildings highlights an anthropomorphic figure holding another child. To detect it, as always playing lights and shadows, as well as the visual angle of the observer.'s Just one step in identifying the Montserrat monastery that outline the profile of a Madonna and Child, for those who were Christian life in the present San Miguel Chapel, formerly the principal of Montserrat.
All the mountains may serve more or less in both the "bridge" as a "compass", metaphorically speaking, but only that of Montserrat draws the attention of the resurgent humanity. No better evidence only space and time, but even the very center of each individual ontology, as plainly refers to the key of life in a "Pure Land".
Moreover, no other symbol that shows better its relationship with human FACE what it represents, and this happens on top of a mountain than ever before and that looked síntesisis the spiritual world, and truly mystical jewel of Nature. This we know: Each human face informs much of what each person has in mind.
By scrutinizing the new face immense image, whose total perimeter is 25 km., Finally the world has ever guarantee detected visually, but intuited-that exists around us a dimension greater than the purely physical, which our eyes can not capture. Although we sincerely hope that the "Perfect Mountain" should be discovered within ourselves, will present this phenomenal COMMON SPACE, for their chance discovery is the most worthy of my numerous investigations.
Faced with such extraordinary geological miracle must ask: What other reality than could be created? Should be not just another order, but well above the face that appears on the Sinai peninsula to which I refer difficult because I have not managed to make known. With that caveat, I will say that apart from the mountain of Montserrat (NE. of Spain), the side of the Earth chakras are located in the mountains FOLLOWING: The Fuji (Tokyo, Japan), Denali (Alaska), the Batur ( Bali-Indonesia, the Table (Cape Town, South Africa) and Olympus (Greece).
Each has its own peculiarity and would not rule out that they had even own functions well, as with the human body chakras. But all of them Montserrat is certainly the most spiritual that has manifested clearly visually (Sinai I see very negative), which, all other sacred mountains, including Mount Shasta famous (USA) the Huan-Sand, or Tai-San (both in eastern China), they can not even remotely compare with the mountain of Montserrat in Catalonia.
The mountains are a good reference, because he always helped the most sensitive to not go after interesting, but after what's important (that clearly point). These ecenarios primarily because captivate us are able to talk face to face the sky.
The highest positive ideas are reached only in silence, as the friendly face we want to teach. These ideas are at the heart of the infinite unchanging circles where we operate. After discovering it, our conversation can be knowledgeably.
I discovered this amazing new geological phenomenon decades after positivism photo of a small scale model (1 m.) Montserrat, made by experts in 1919, which reproduced several times. My attention did not stop at that finding.
Auto-author a poster dated 8.8.88 (Catalonia day that celebrated its first millennium of existence as a nation). I wrote the presentation of geological and this face before getting the fotosatélite FACE (edited by empresaB.EICIP, 92502 Rueil-Malmaison, BP 213 - France) who kindly gave me permission to include the expansion of Montserrat in my book entitled: "The Human Face of Montserrat (1990).
Philosophy can be a golden opportunity to open a new door on humanism. Parafilosófica be called, not mysterious call, or simply "f *- philosophy of amazing."
Indeed the whole mountain of Montserrat to us as a springboard to access what is beyond the laws of physics, though still not be able to know to take advantage. It's about time. For now I will describe what I've made about as desktop publishing in a book dedicated the second part all that is written about asses patients over the past 50 centuries, as a way to moralize.
The nexus of such a futuristic satellite image, which is the human face of Montserrat discovered, was the biblical passage from the prophet Balam angry when he stopped riding the donkey.
From my studies on the ability of the earth and artistic whim, I found many images of human faces of tens of kilometers in some old satellite photos. For now only in my websites presented below, a couple of them that are set up just across the length of the tops of two very important sacred mountains Sinai (Egypt), MONTSERRAT (in Catalonia, located in the NE Spain).
These are some pictures of the satellite images of faces whose LANDASAT MALE surpass much of what has been termed hap. Because of its impact have been driven to speculate on the philosophical, to proceed with his presentation with a minimum of dignity.
PARSIFAL Opera musician R. Wagner synthesized diverse lyrical legendary elements which may have been invented only in the mountain border of Montserrat during the Middle Ages. Subsequently mixed with the Arthurian Saga. This, turning to the environment of the Grail quest in the form of limestone (the Last Supper) tried to give as much clarity to the symbol that actually did more hidden.
The cup-Grail was initially rejected by the Catholic Church (as it used a plate for the Communion), as was one his predestined hero Perceval (if miosmo uses as hermits were well illustrated) because to redeem world is not worth other than Jesus Christ. Conflictivos these issues, but here I'll just refer to universal hermetic vision.
I will notify the outset that the so-called Holy Grail is a chalice, nor stone, nor sword, or spear, or book, etc. etc. (which has everything simbolzado), but the desire to search inside enigma itself every sincere person to get it. Therefore, BCE has already sought the effects of the Grail in some indeterminate between the initiates of all the most important cultures, because it is unquestionable that there must be some "support" outside when someone wants to really penetrate your own soul.
The beauty of the very slender pinnacles of Montserrat, unusually clustered within a radius of 25 km. and highlighting its extensive all around, has led to want to live among those very deluded high anchorites folds of all time, who in their hardships, if not spent was not reached, which must be equally objectionable. There is a phrase of the philosopher B. Corrobararía Pascal that "Whoever does the angel, plays the fool." In short, to set the tone because it is better to bear good fruit in the world, ... and dance with the one touch.
Imagined medieval legends in the vast surroundings of the Holy Mountain Catalan remind many scholars who, attracted by so many rocks that countless hands that point to the sky, stopped their inner search to find that they were able to fend for themselves as lonely as in wild environment.
It is true that anyone panoramically ecstatic for their views. They were the protagonists of the stories idiscutibles medieval Catalan current sector. They were the very men suitable reference of great virtues. Such was the origin of the name of the hero par excellence PER-SE-VAL ("is-it-for-if" in Catalan).
Not only the spiritual hero was reported by the North Western Europe, but also many other heroes of the so-called Reconquista (as they were civil wars) on Iberian soil that ended the appearance of the army of Charlemagne. Upon his return to north Europeans knew the legendary background tissue around Montserrat, being just the cell in central mystic had not then, nor had such accurate "Islet of Salvation" was, in fact, the holy mountain south of the Pyrenees in the period that the Muslims reached half of the current floor fance.
Other migrations of legendary mystical background to the north as the troubadours made inventors of Love Your moralizing mission included to honor the women enslaved ever before (symbolically hid the Virgin Mary), and "Courts of Love" won throughout the before bellicose West. Twinning the legends of Montserrat with the wild Breton Cycle, whose hero was Robin Hood type, was beneficial to both medieval sagas, because the Arthurian cycle contributions toward remodeling also to serve as "hibernation capsule" to the legends Montserrat, although Knowledge in the Peninsula (secretly, not allowed to write then joke about holy war), and no one would be able to recognize those local elements that were inseminated.
Once the items returned to its origins, I was able to recognize in Montserrat the same "senyal" also to look at own hand pointing to the sky, which turned out to demonstrate even more ideal guide of souls. Thankfully, help the world get even in the XXI century, when people are just less able to distinguish between what matters and what really interests you, even though there is a big difference.
I feel immense gratitude to be able to proclaim the first glimpse of Montserrat has been more evident as the Ganga of the Grail (so I titled my book published 1993). Grail is the chalice, universal and eternal. And I write Ganga, not by how cheap it costs us to use the mountain, also, but for what he did baptize in maternal well holiest river in India. In short, in my opinion, the Grail is the search, and ideal container is the holy mountain of Montserrat, .. which by the way, it hurts to see that any social group, gradually, do not care to use for your worldly ends.
In another brief argued that it is a stone that helps grow; ... and grows immeasurably, as it is able to stand up. Indeed des view of the sky has a face that even goes beyond the manifest liveliness. Is it the miracle of coincidences that the monastery is located in the middle of your forehead?. By chance on chance I can believe that, although it may seem off, the future is full, because as explained by these ancient legends:
It invites us to defeat the giant, who is none other that each one intimately, to be pure as the hero, not in vain in the mentioned legends of the Arthurian cycle was very different names.
Ramon Ramonet Riu
Web links (general):
Christmas Fabulous Five Cities
NEW Christmas YORKSi want to feel big and ostentatious manner, the Big Apple is the right place. Every December, the city of New York is transformed into a winter wonderland of decorated streets, where most iconic stores such as Macy's or Saks Fifth Avenue, marvel at their windows for Christmas. The Rockefeller Center usually mounted a giant tree lighting ceremony which is always a great event. Flights to New York can be expensive during this time, so be sure to book early to find the best price.
LONDRESPara know a city like out of a Dickens novel, looking for cheap flights to London and visit it for Christmas. In the capital of England experience the vibrant shops, and the festive atmosphere of these dates. The city has one of the best Christmas lights in the world, a lot going on since mid-November. Do not miss Bond Street, Marylebone High St, Oxford St, Carnaby St and Covent Garden. And to top it off, Harrods, probably the most famous shop in the city, home and back rooms of all kinds of gifts.
? MSTERDAMLa Christmas? Amsterdam, like the rest of his normal life, is a cultural experience, while very festive. Museumplein becomes a lively place every year, where you can enjoy with your market, boating, or ice skating rink. To behold the beauty of its streets, lit by Christmas lights, you better walk around Dam Square Enjoy your day of Sinterklaas on 5 December, which commemorates the arrival of St. Nicholas from Spain, with a procession where spread over cookies. In addition, many museums of Amsterdam are open on Christmas Day. To be safe booking your trip, an interesting option is to search flights to Brussels, to know this city and from there travel to? Amsterdam, which is only about 200 km.
MOSCÚSi what most crave is a white Christmas, an alternative is this beautiful city. Stroll through the forest in a sleigh pulled by horses, sail down the river in a boat Moskva icebreaker, or enjoy their premises and lighted streets. For the more courageous are the islands of Serebryany Bor (Silver Pine), located in a bend of the river where you can join the locals and take a refreshing dip in one of traditional ponds. You can even ski or snowboard within the limits of the city, visiting Sparrow Hills, with a slope of more than 90 meters.
BUCARESTLa capital of Romania is preparing for this time of the best: decoration, lighting, bohemian atmosphere prevails ... in the Christmas atmosphere, wrapped in a white robe. In the square decorative fir Unirii contemplate Europe's largest, with 76 meters and decorated with more than 2 million light bulbs. In City of Joy or The Little Paris, will captivate its charming streets and lively squares and bars. It is full of modern shopping centers and many traditional markets, where to get your perfect gift. Although there are folk festivals throughout the year, are particularly striking during these dates. Search flights to Bucharest and surprise your family with a trip to the heart of Christmas.
Friday, July 27, 2012
Legal Education in the careers of Tourism
We are of the idea that tourism represents a lot for the strategic development of any state. We believe that dissemination and awareness must be present in both the formal and non formal education, that which we will work to the subject of legal education at the top level and aimed at students of Tourism.
From a historical perspective is not wrong to say that tourism programs in Latin America in general and in our country in particular are more or less recent and therefore their thinking is, from a scientific point of view in its infancy. As recently is that the UBA has not been able (or unwilling, or have left) include a university academic offer. The first dilemma of tourism career (still under discussion) has been whether to bring a degree in Tourism Hospitality contain knowledge, or is treated as two different degrees with a common, not the subject of this elucidate such a puzzle, but it is important to emphasize since it directly affects the content of the legal matters to these provisions.
It is also clear that other prior to any discussion and for market reasons the universities, were faced with the choice of bringing their faculties or departments of careers related to the hospitality industry. The second question then was: Where? So some universities, opted for a humanist perspective and added them to their social science faculties. Others, from a more technical bent to attach them to your department of Demography, or the Department of Geography. The latest decided to create autonomous departments or schools, other location subjected to structural causes. And finally, there were institutions that from a performance closer to business locations in the field of economics, a situation which incidentally coincides with the political definition of our country.
But if it was a problem locating the Bachelor of Tourism career within a School, was no less problematic to place a matter of law within the respective degrees (in Hospitality and / or Tourism)
Since the beginning of curricular wont be seen as obvious, that no matter could be absent legislation to complete the vision of the future professional, with the sector's regulatory framework. And while, with some success, it is generally agreed that this knowledge should be located in the last or before last year's race is not always worked on the key issues that should be based on every subject, namely: What is taught?, How do you teach? and What is taught?.
Hence, until recently it was not unusual to take any college program and verify that the same themes were a kind of civil law course, summarized and accelerated with some references to the laws of hospitality and travel agencies. Nothing more contradictory or away from the content, skills and values that the learner should incorporate at this stage of their training. The underlying idea seems to have been: "There must be a matter of law, we do not know how or why, that the content you put the lawyer's dictation? and that's how we saw the absurdity of seeing tourism students trying to figure out the extent of the right holders within a complex sequence, or questioning the differences between divorce and separation of fact and other lindeces on. The experience and raised, needless to say has been frustrating for everyone.
Not difficult to think that this problem could have been avoided if they had taken as a reference similar educational experience and proven, such as the teachers of law in economic science degrees and back that long ago had to work overcoming such obstacles the sake of an integrated vision.
The law is not a panacea that will solve all the ills of the sector, however tempered, modules, channels, and in this sense, it is a crosscutting activity such as tourism, it is good that the matter is at the end academic training. The right will lock motor or build according as we know all citizens participate in it.
What is taught?
Passed the stage of diagnosis is two questions: 1) Is there an art to which we can call "Tourism Law? or simply we are facing one of the many activities that require a certain specific regulation. And then 2) From what content it should from the posing of the matter?
To the first question some authors, (following the line of thinking certainly Saxon Travel Law) risked the first hypothesis by focusing on the actor "travel agent? as the main generator of new contractual arrangements, and Puig and Vitta could assert the existence of a "... Tourism Law that does not feel fit into the traditional mold of a civil or commercial law and is only partially picked up by the right of navigation on both air and sea species.?, However we believe that to define the autonomy of a branch of law is necessary to discover whether the principles underlying it are original axiologically to constitute a legal construct systematic, complete and closed, making it unnecessary to resort to the beginning of another branch.
As can be seen the debate, which is still open, beyond a vague desire academicism, since according to opt for one position or another condition also curriculum development.
The second question also had dissimilar responses;
1) some understood that they had to assume that students had or should have a solid civic education that would jump right into the different meanings of law;
2) while others argued that this was what "should be? was not what was perceived in the classroom and therefore the proposal was "back? knowledge that would frame the activity. That is, bad I can develop and present the subject of "law? when the student lacks the basic notions of "state?" nation?, etc. ..
3) a minority (perhaps under pressure from a limited workload for academic curricular needs) was inclined to go straight to the core content, perhaps mentioning the process but leaving left to the initiative of student work to rebuild or incorporate basic concepts.
How do you teach?
Saving the pedagogical debate here about whether or not the content determine the methodology, if you admit that at least the condition. Three are at the discretion of the factors contributing to the way we teach:
A) The teacher training material delivered by lawyers have strengths and weaknesses of their training as specialized courses on tourism and law are few, if not nil, unable to logically meet this demand with foreign proposals are obviously in line to the legislations of the countries own suppliers.
B) What institutional. In a structural sense on two levels;
1) From the macro-level variables that may be:
i. "Workload?,
ii. "Incumbents?,
iii. "Level? (University or Tertiary College) will act to filter and selection in establishing curricular priorities and
iv. "Location? career on the faculty or department from which it depends. Put another way: if a degree in tourism depends on a department or faculty of Natural Sciences for the contents of the materials in general and the particular legal may be different from one that depends on a department or faculty of Economics.
2) "The institutional culture? also provides that the matter can not (or should not) be treated as a watertight compartment, but rather articulated as other gear that are key to the overall interpretation of the problem. So Tourism Policies, Social Tourism, Planning, etc.. feed and feed regulations.
C) the political. Programs can not be a mere laboratory production, or the result more or less lucid experience two or three professionals. They must be itself a scientific and academic production but that reflects and is framed within the broader contours of a serious policy proposal, to give the real sector rather than "state policy?, Well above the cyclical declamations and in harmony with the directives of the WTO to which we are incorporated.
In short: Strategies in practice we have observed are varied and deserve to be considered without dogmatism, as follows:
1) Many European programs in general and Spanish in particular, have treated the matter from the different branches of law, so it is not rare to find in front of a "Tourism Private Law? or "Tourism Public International Law?, etc..
2) In our country, following the tradition of our writers some have made a general and a special, that is to say that while the former is dictated by the founding concepts of matter in the second points to the specific issues (hotels, agencies , etc.).
3) Some teachers have focused on the transmission of the laws, others have thought in the traditional case method and some have opted for mixed media.
4) But as it is a problem to know where one starts, so is knowing how far you get. Some proposals has been the incorporation of complex business topics such as the "Timeshare?, That although they are closely linked to the phenomenon of tourism, it is no less than legal considerations require longer to be understood in its all. In others it has viewed with concern the absence of songs like "Natural and Cultural Heritage? to understand that these "excess? required for vocational training, a view with which we beg to differ on the grounds that it is one of the axes of the field where exactly add up all notions of "sustainability?.
What is taught?
The first in intention is the ultimate in performance, the ancients said. The response to what generally is answered in what some educators call "goals?, However most times the wording is so open and general often ambiguous can accuse me of.
Who makes the first scenario? Who sets the goals for each subject?: University how? Agreed with the teacher, with the specialist (or at least should) where? In the first area plan and the general concern then why? by delegation.
Legislative technique with questionable law 24,521 Higher Education in Art 42 to talk about "skills? delegates the setting of these in the universities. This has produced a coven of overlaps with other disciplines (eg guides) or confusion (eg between BA in Tourism and Bachelor in Hotel Management) difficulties that could only find its limit if the race was declared a "public interest? . This status requires both the Ministry of Education and the University Council to determine the justified concerns of career professionals concerned. Giving, part CONEAU (National Assessment and Accreditation) in the corporate scorecard, thus distorting academic offerings will spoil and add value to the profession from those proposals that have the minimun required quality. (That is why, despite the burden that this private state supervision, several universities have been struggling for the race is declared "public interest?)
Verbally expressed more or less common goals (neither exclusive nor excluding) arising from the various programs are:
1) Master the basics of law.
2) To relate the different social types with the legal frameworks of any enterprise
3) analyze case law cases
4) Diagnose the liability regime to particular situations
5) Decide whether to appeal to the judicial system and / or alternative systems of dispute resolution.
6) Apply and cooperate in the preparation of various contractual arrangements in the sector.
7) Taking an interest in natural and cultural heritage
8) Interdisciplinary
9) Respect for rules
Across the bank, students also have their perception of the different answers to this question. In annual surveys we may run courses (always significant) are giving us some clues:
A) For life
B) To complete my professional training,
C) To determine when I need a lawyer or not,
D) To have another management tool,
As can be seen despite the widespread, institutions and students are not (at least on this point) too far apart. Indeed civic knowledge is useful and necessary in any instance of city life but within the tourist rush instrumental value becomes inescapable.
Thus, an activity that aims to be a model and promoter of development implies respect for the regulatory framework that contains it. Not because (as we said at the beginning) this will solve all their problems, but because any activity that is handled with "clear rules? has a greater opportunity for growth and generate investment.
Our Approach
It is simple and is based on two axes: Integration and Research.
We must speak of a law applied to tourism from a multiplicity of actors;
You should meet some real gaps students typically "crawl? the polymodal and therefore this requires an hourly average;
To the extent that there is possibility to invest in research to develop the contents of the subject.
It is necessary to generate academic forums and a range of courses that allow teachers to complete the training required by lawyers for the purpose of providing a multidisciplinary approach;
That the curriculum should, without losing originality and integrated into the overall planning of the state and this in turn articulated in the lines of the WTO.
What to propel the career of Bachelor of Tourism as the "public interest? prioritizing their educational and clearing the gray areas of his "skills?
Parks and green areas in Marrakech
If you imagine a city like Marrakech dry, hot and unpleasant to walk in the summer months are very wrong / a. This northern city? Africa appears to the visitor's eyes as a large emerald surrounded by red clay from the plane because its green areas are abundant. In any self-respecting tourist guide will refer to the great gardens of Majorelle, Menara, Jdid, El Harti, Agdal, Koutoubia, Mamounia and, of course, the Palmeraie, but in addition there are a lot of the most famous parks in poor neighborhoods equally pleasant and well maintained. For / as inhabitants of Marrakech is very important to be surrounded by / as plant and often, in the neighborhoods of modest homes of the city, take advantage undeveloped plot to plant a small garden that serves as a place to meet and relax . Sometimes these parks, created by popular initiative, are cared for / as same / as neighbors / or as someone who is paid by all / as. At dusk, after the prayer, the gardens come alive. The children play, teenagers play their favorite sports, football and stunts-and women rest sitting on the grass under the shade of olive trees and palm trees while sharing lively conversation between them.
Keep in mind that, traditionally, women are not welcome in cafes so it is in the gardens where they are. In addition to green spaces are frequented by elders who play cards and checkers or simply talk about their stuff.
Neighborhood parks, which do not appear in the guides, who have no indigo planters and banners painted with the name of the species of cactus, the gardens are more vivid but not have to miss classics like Palmeraie, a natural forest of palm trees on the outskirts of Marrakech, which despite its area greatly reduced due to the construction of houses, restaurants and luxury hotels, is still a real paradise not to be missed. It is also especially nice the Majorelle garden, in the heart of the city, easily accessible by taxi walk from the Medina. This park was designed by Jacques Majorelle and acquired many years later by Yves Saint Lorenz who restored and opened a museum of Moroccan crafts and posters inside. The garden entrance fee is 30 Dh (3 € approx.) And 10 Dh. (1 € approx.) For the museum. Essential also visit the Menara Gardens, in XII century pavilion used in the time for water storage, and the large pond that serves as a mirror of the Atlas in the morning sun.
So if you want to relax and enjoy a relaxing holiday surrounded by fresh and pleasant parks, landscaped gardens and magnificent parkland, Marrakech is undoubtedly the perfect destination. The Ochre City not only offers fascinating culture and tradition, monuments and countless tourist attractions, but also many orchards in countless shades of green. In addition, hotels in Marrakech are of high quality and very cheap, especially Marrakech riads, charming and very affordable. They can also stay in a wonderful villa in Marrakech, near the field, where the views are spectacular and the people will welcome you with open arms.
Formentera Year 2009, Year of Beer
Scientists are clear: the only way to generate true knowledge is through the scientific method, and the best methodology: experimental. For those who have not heard much about this method I will discuss them with an example of that is essentially. Suppose we have two rats (also serve guinea pigs, monkeys or other animals of the same species) and much better if they have the exact genetic material, ie twins / ace. The two animals in the same environment grow, eat the same and both are perfectly healthy. Controlled internal variables (inherent to the mouse), and external, that is, environmental conditions, one of them decides to give an experimental drug, for example, it is believed can cause loss of appetite, the animal swallowed. If after taking this drug, the animal begins to lose weight and eat less, and the operation is repeated enough, it can be deduced that the substance actually does in some way affect what we have in the nervous system that controls hunger. Although this is simplifying it enough, the idea is this.
All those subjects called sciences come to face the scientific method of obtaining truth and to predict the future, the natural sciences have it easier to manipulate power plants or substances more easily, in the social sciences, or those in which the object study is the human, the thing is far more complicated due to the ethical conflict that may arise therefrom. However, and although it is impossible to establish direct relationships between causes of other effects, it is sometimes impossible to say no to the impact of an event on someone or something. It is very difficult to understand how it is possible that while the Balearic Islands hotel occupancy rate has dropped more or less, but has fallen, it has risen nearly Formentera two points. Even we were more shocked to see that Italian tourism, the largest issuer of visitors to this island, has dropped substantially while his position has covered the Spanish market, a market in other areas has dropped dramatically. The owners of the hotels in Ibiza so find so many "quirks? are too numerous to be coincidence. For me, and although it has no scientific evidence that support me, the answer lies in a television commercial has been airing several times this summer and promoted an alcoholic beverage, in this case, a brand of beer.
It is quite likely that you already know what brand stables talking and have seen the ad and they have been glued to the catchy tune making humming the tune without realizing it. The action takes place in Formentera, and in 20 seconds a young boy who comes to Formentera league only upon entering, there is the lot with a "pivón?, Dance, swimming, splashing ... it happens in the end pipe. Always accompanied by a cold beer trademark. The youth association - happy times - beer - Formentera is what makes this year the island take note in a post round occupation ... yes sir.
Escape the cold. Top 5 Destinations Warm Close to Home
When the thermometer reads below freezing, the snow-covered streets and longs for the warmth of a fireplace is a good time to travel. But you have to do, clear, warm places, to destinations, being close to home, raise the temperature ... and encouragement.
Escape to five locations over two hours by plane ... and 22 degrees.
Great CanariaNo vastly exaggerate Gran Canaria who define as a continent in miniature. In his small circle of less than 1,600 square kilometers is passed abruptly from the warm sandy beaches of the south to the white peaks of Pico de las Nieves, at 1,950 meters. On the way out to meet majestic volcanic calderas, dizzying ravines and cliffs covered with vegetation gentle valleys and picturesque villages. A striking landscape that features a tropical sun shines all year. In addition, at this time there is a huge amount of offers and cheap flights to Gran Canaria, so the trip can go pretty cheap.
MarrakechAunque is not the capital, is undoubtedly the most vital city in Morocco. Known as the Red City, has no great monuments, with the exception of Koutoubia Mosque, with its sister Giralda tower and the Medersa ben Youssef, the largest and most important "madrassa? from all over Morocco, which came to study up to 900 students. But the soul of Marrakech is the Jemaa el Fna Square, which, according to the hours, souk, market, restaurant or space gigantic wonders where jugglers, magicians, fire eaters, acrobats ...
MadeiraEsta Portuguese island in the Atlantic not only offers a pleasant climate all year round and a diverse flora and fauna, and is one of the quietest and safest destinations in the world. It is worth exploring the sights, squares and corners in the capital, Funchal and do a little tour of the island, passing by lovely gardens, picturesque towns and villages, amazing landscapes, impressive volcanic caves, rugged coastlines, beautiful natural beaches and breathtaking views . Search the internet is probably the best way to compare prices on cheap flights to Madeira and book your ticket.
HammametAunque Hammamet is the tourist destination in Tunisia and one of the most fashionable among European travelers, the concept of mass has not swim to do with what we are used in many other parts of the Mediterranean. This place, a half hour of the Tunisian capital, is considered at the forefront of conservation and environmental protection, urban standards, for example, require that any hotel building has more height than the cypress and palm trees in the area. But Hammamet is just sea, sky, sun, palm trees and orange trees, also worth visiting his old Muslim quarter where the small medina, its market, the Spanish fort and the Great Mosque.
Good perfume Maltacom, Malta offers its essence in small packages. This is an advantage because it allows exploring the island, including the archipelago, in a short time, ideal for a getaway. Coveted since antiquity, Malta retains traces of its fierce defense against the Turks, the walls which the Knights of the Order of St. John built in Valletta, and the legendary shelters where they lived those same Knights and the competing in luxury and art. But above all, have to walk the narrow streets at dusk, isolated from the hustle and bustle and avoiding the tourist rush hour. Then he breathes the true historical weight of this city landmark, with limestone facades and balconies aged hardened by the passage of centuries and events. You can find cheap flights to Malta or packages at affordable prices throughout the month of January.
Carlos Hernandez is a passionate wanderers, always ready to pack and be adventurous. Back home, he enjoys as a Child on experiences and histories of peoples and mysterious places.
The Importance Of A Baby Name
What gives vertigo have a baby! Perhaps one of the most important decisions we make in our lives. So important that we control every detail, even before birth. A clear example is the choice of baby name.
First of all we must clarify that we do not consider that the name is a "detail". Not for nothing is the word that calls us, which we use to sign or which appears on all official documents. The name, like it or not, is a fundamental part in our lives, our identity, who we are (so that there are people who decide to change it).
From the above parents are aware, and so many laps to give time to put the baby names.
Of course there are those who take longer and those who already have thought of the name before you even think about having a son or daughter. The latter are those who know they will put the name of his father for a boy and his mother if a girl. Or one of his uncles or even their favorite actor or actress.
But even if you have the name for a while now, alas, there must be a partner. Maybe she does not agree to call or Gumersinda Emiliano, as has happened from generation to generation in your family. And then start rubbing. Even the dispute can reach the day of birth, date on which (obviously) after seeing the face of her newborn offspring forget about the fights.
In the end, we all have a name so parents finally agree on one. While this, perhaps, after so many rounds, not to the liking of the newborn.
Preparing for your trip to London
Travel to London need advance preparation and some points need to be taken into account for unexpected events do not occur. Here's some tips and observations noted for the most successful your trip to London:
Prepare the following things before traveling to London:
- Your documents:
a) When an EU citizen you do not need a passport to travel, but if you have to bring your ID to London. However, it is recommended that you take both documents and photocopies of each. It is also advisable to bring the documentation in a location other than baggage, such as in your pockets.
b) Do you have travel insurance? If not, you should have one. You can ask any of the many travel agencies out there for more information.
c) Do not forget to bring your driver's license. If you want to find work in London, sometimes you wonder if you have a driving license. It is convenient to have on hand at the time.
d) In London, the Spanish social security card does not work, however, EU citizens can get free health care to a pretty good showing your passport or Form E111. To achieve the latter you can go to your center nearest provincial safety and request it. When you ask, do not forget to mention that you're going to find work and until they find one, you need this document in case something happens to you. Anyway, once you are working in London will give you high on the Social Security beyond.
Safety in London:
London is a safe city. Cameras are monitoring everything many places, and police watching and willing to help when you have a problem. However, it is advisable that you consider the following recommendations:
Do not go out at night alone (a).
Do not take more money you will be using
Bags monitors in crowded places or public places.
Watch out for thieves (that while there are few) in places like markets. The British currency
Unlike other European countries, the currency in Britain is the pound sterling (pound) of symbol "£".
The coins are 1, 2, 5, 10, 20 and 50 pence and £ 1 and £ 2.
1 pound = 100 pence (penny / Pence). And the tickets are £ 5, £ 10, £ 20 and £ 50.
You can take travelers checks in pounds, as it is a convenient way to carry money in several places and also accept them as payment. Although it is always best to take your Spanish visa work perfectly there, but cercioralo in the bank before you come.
If you want to change money, you have to go to exchange houses and banks that are everywhere, including at the airport of departure will have at your disposal a bank or to change. Beware of fees before making the change of money.
The outlets in London
In the United Kingdom, the plugs have three bars, so you'll have to get an adapter for electronic equipment from Spain. Although it is likely that the hotel or the place where you are staying. If you buy any electronic device in London, make sure you have European plug, so you can use it to return. The coins are 1, 2, 5, 10, 20 and 50 pence and £ 1 and £ 2.
1 pound = 100 pence (penny / Pence). And the tickets are £ 5, £ 10, £ 20 and £ 50.
You can take travelers checks in pounds, as it is a convenient way to carry money in several places and also accept them as payment. Although it is always best to take your Spanish visa work perfectly there, but cercioralo in the bank before you come.
If you want to change money, you have to go to exchange houses and banks that are everywhere, including at the airport of departure will have at your disposal a bank or to change. Beware of fees before making the change of money.
The outlets in London
In the United Kingdom, the plugs have three bars, so you'll have to get an adapter for electronic equipment from Spain. Although it is likely that the hotel or the place where you are staying. If you buy any electronic device in London, make sure you have European plug, so you can use it to return.
Weather in London
FEBRUARY 6 ° C Cloudy
SUNNY 19 ° C July
OCTOBER 13 ° C very rainy
In July and August is very hot sometimes. So Lie sunscreen and drink plenty of water. When you leave, do it with several layers of clothing and if it takes both heat and cold if you curfews. Do not forget your umbrella because the weather is somewhat unpredictable. In October / November, the winter is very cold and even goes as far as snow. In spring there are sometimes some sun and some rain. The summer is unpredictable so bring something warm in your hand forever, despite starting the day with sunshine.
The phones in London
To unlock your phone in London is easy: you can do for only 10 pounds. Once released, buy a card and place it. With that and you can receive calls from family, friends and job offers.
The free phone, without English card, will change from power to detect one of the operators.
The time difference
The time difference between Spain and England is just one.
The London Underground
The subway is a system of thirteen lines. Some of their names are: Metropolitan, Jubilee, Circle and Central. Lontra size is considerable and has 6 areas for public transport.
When traveling by subway, do not forget to keep it until the end of the trip, because you will need to output. If you travel without a ticket or for any reason may not, it is likely you will have to pay penalties and 10 pounds. The price of a subway ticket is £ 2 for zone 1.
If you plan to take the subway several times a day, then it is best to buy a daily bonus (one-day Travelcard £ 3.60 zones 1-2), as this is cheaper. The validity of this bond from 9:30 am. Another option is the bonus for seven days. Something else you can do is apply for a card tickets (10 tickets = £ 11 area 1. This is interesting if not constantly traveling. You can also buy a monthly bonus (about £ 135 zones 1-6), or even every year .
Water in London
When showering, you may feel a bit strange. Drinking water has enough lime and for those not accustomed to that, it can be unpleasant. While a more expensive option, although safer, something you can do is Combre bottled mineral water.
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Some Tips To Learn English effectively
Do you want to learn English? you can learn English and any other language you want, but you should note that it is much more to learn a few rules of grammar or memorize a large vocabulary. There are many important points for you to learn a new language, but in short I will say that learning English is like when you learn to handle bike. What does this mean?
When you learn to ride a bike, learning a new skill that is full of new information and experiences you have to assimilate actively and passively. It's not just assimilate all the information your brain, but you need to see, see, hear, feel, and experience the language (in this case English). It is the most importate practices and separating only memorize or withhold information momentarily.
Whether you're listening, speaking, writing or reading, you should be immersed in one's experience of language you are studying. All that takes time and effort. You have to spend the effort seriously. Using all the technology issues that you (internet, ipots etc) If you really want to learn English, you have to practice.
Here I give a few tips and recommendations so you can learn English, study constantly, worth a little more than several hours each day in a row. (English food) and then take a descanso.y not forget to do consistently. -
Experience the language physically. While your brain assimilates all the information that can, Study out loud! Speak the language you are learning and practice writing sentences first and then paragraphs. -Do not fear mistakes. that is the weak point, especially in adults, as this can affect their learning.
Speak without fear of making a mistake! Do you want to learn English? you can learn English and any other language you want, but you should note that it is much more to learn a few rules of grammar or memorize a large vocabulary. There are many important points for you to learn a new language, but in short I will say that learning English is like when you learn to handle bike. What does this mean?
When you learn to ride a bike, learning a new skill that is full of new information and experiences you have to assimilate actively and passively. It's not just assimilate all the information your brain, but you need to see, see, hear, feel, and experience the language (in this case English). It is the most importate practices and separating only memorize or withhold information momentarily.
Whether you're listening, speaking, writing or reading, you should be immersed in one's experience of language you are studying. All that takes time and effort. You have to spend the effort seriously. Using all the technology issues that you (internet, ipots etc) If you really want to learn English, you have to practice.
Here I give a few tips and recommendations so you can learn English
-Study constantly, worth a little more than several hours each day in a row. and then take a descanso.y not forget it consistently.
-Experience the language physically. While your brain assimilates all the information that can, Study out loud! Speak the language you are learning and practice writing sentences first and then paragraphs.
-Do not fear mistakes. that is the weak point, especially in adults, as this can affect their learning. Speak without fear of making a mistake!
O God Particle
The Big-Bang
After the 1st second of the Big Bang the Universe was all protoplasm. The universe was not in space. That was the space. There was a time when both the stars and space were sunk to enormous temperatures. Sir. Albert Einstein's famous E = mc2 formula determined that all matter can be defined in two ways: as mass and energy. By recreating the first nano-seconds of the universe is a particle accelerator has achieved the core temperature of our sun that are about 3000 million degrees for about fraciones second. It was a first step to begin to investigate the origin of the origin of the Universe. CERN is working on an ambitious project since 2008, in a work that has taken 25 years to complete, a company that was established in 1954 and has cost 8 billion euros, part of mantle infrastructure, personnel, etc.. with an annual contribution by partner country of 664 million Euros, a lot of money to be contribution of science but medicine collaborate, agree that there are many countries where there is a hidden project plus interest, space research, the arms industry and army, everybody.
The Hadron Collider
Between France and Switzerland is the largest existing particle accelerator to date, a tunnel of 8 km in diameter with a distance of rings which together cover 27km. underground so that do not reach inside the Cosmic Rays from space above the surface everything seems normal. It consists of a main circuit called Collider, in which bursts of excited particles called hadrons, smaller than the Neuton, at a speed 10 m / s less than the speed of light. And with a cadence of 10 million particles per 25 n / s. Circulating in opposite directions by two parallel pathways cenvergen at a point where the particles collide. As to the speed that we are talking in the collision is not easy, the particles first circulated by another circuit of diameter less than the principal, and communicated with each passing point poe gusts reaching the main speed 299.792.448m / s. We now know that an object-itself-however small particles have no mass can never reach the speed of light as the mass increases in geometric progression with speed, and just before reaching the speed of light would be their infinite mass.
The acceleration is produced by super-conducting magnets while gusts to match the interior of the ducts. -Is easier to collide two bullets fired from the Earth and Moon to collide two atoms in the collider, without directing, via hadrons are all smaller. The electrical energy needed to reach the 147k/Amperios magnets. for which you need a power cord that is in a regime of -260 º to withstand such intensity is achieved thanks to such a dangerous temperature helium gas. -260 ° K the lowest temperature is known, with the Deep Space, or absolute zero. This is synchronized by 150 computers connected to each one as if it were only for an operation lasting a few nano-seconds. The radiation emitted during operation almost instantly kill a person who embraces the duct.
Why quarks
A microbe deposited on a sheet of paper has no perception of the 3 rd dimension, or just look and know-know in the longitudinal and transverse horizontal plane, the dimension "H" for him there. The man knows, sees and experiences in four dimensions, if you count the time-The Hadron Collider, the result of the collision of these generates a new particle, Quark, - remember that in the universe nothing is created nor destroyed , is transformed! - This particle has a property, has been shown recently, leaving the collision scattered in all directions, so far everything is normal, but there are some that change "material dimension" disappear, they do not break, acquiring other state the subject.
In Search of The God Particle
Now the concern of the brain is developing at time zero as the Universe, dark matter - not the "dark side" as I heard yesterday, and black holes are only in passing, from Quark wanted to trace where to get carried away looking for the first particle of the universe, and scientists have dubbed: The God Particle is the Higs Bosson and reach of the entire background of quantum mechanics. I remember the novel Dune in which that civilization wise manipulate space to travel very great distances, "folding space". Perhaps this utopia can become a reality, we do not know when or where, for now, will only continue to dream.
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