Wednesday, July 25, 2012

After Divorce: Check Your Spouse Payments From

When your divorce is finalized and you did not receive the pension to which your spouse has committed, it can be for several reasons, since remarried until just will not give it to you. Whatever the reason, this situation can be devastating to your life after divorce.

Here are some steps you can take before your divorce is final to help ensure that help arrives:

Get a court order for spousal support. If you're working with a divorce lawyer, you need one to present your spousal support agreement with the court order to discuss their reasoning.

If you are the one who is entitled to alimony and your former denies the agreement, you have to consider whether legal remedies for you to submit the case to the authorities. One of the resources you can use is the contempt of court.

The authorities may turn a warrant when your ex does not pay your child support, this will put legal pressure. In fact, your former spouse can go to jail for ignoring their obligation to support after divorce.

Secure your payment by placing a lien on one or more of the goods belonging to your husband and have been generated within the marriage.

What is a lien?

It is a legal right to property of another person until the owner of the property complies with its legal obligation.

For example, if you have a home mortgage, your mortgage lender has a lien on your house, which means you can take home if you do not make your payments according to your mortgage contract. If your ex does not fulfill its contract for "spousal support" may petition the court for permission to take possession of the property with a lien as payment for what they are owed.

However, if the asset is the home of your former spouse may not be able to get your money until the home is sold. Also, if you have a right to retirement your ex may not be able to collect money to which you are entitled to until you retire.

The use of disability insurance ensures an uninterrupted flow of alimony after divorce if your ex is sick or injured and unable to work for a while. Probably the court let your ex-spouse to pay less during the period of disability. Disability insurance provides you with a financial safety net.

Spousal support payments are automatically deducted from the salary of the former couple. Thus, after the divorce is complete, you will not ask if your ex was agreed to mail a monthly check.

If your ex has sent some payments after the divorce, but does not cover the entire agreed amount of money you can send go to court.

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