Sunday, July 8, 2012

Designing Web Sales to guide

Another dilemma, to be successful, do I have to design the business in a certain way? If the business is to design a certain way, you must have well defined is a Web page and is a Web site.

You have to be clear what action you want your visitor to take when you get one of your pages. You have to know some secrets to more efficiently design your virtual business.

Arming the business before any work is critical to ensure success in your venture. It is very productive place the pieces of your business in the right place.

Let's start with the matter.


A Web page is a place where you have to encourage visitors to take an action. In your virtual business going to cause a single action at a time, so the visitor will carry out this action and no other.

We commonly see in all Web sites, the visitor has the possibility of taking an infinite number of actions in one place. That strategy is not productive, it is much better if they cause a single action you see.

Step one example, take your work to visit 10 Web is commonly go, and analyze them from this point of view. You will see on the homepage, these Web, request you to take action to subscribe to the newsletter, have several articles related to your target audience have one or several products have advertising from other online businesses, etc.., And so on.

Of course it all, possible actions are not sold with a sales letter properly. Reference is made or announced an action, nothing more. But is not sold, for example, the electronic newsletter.

Not sold with a good sales letter, the product being marketed. Not sell the item you wish to offer.

He simply announced and ready.

Now look at or or What is the difference? In the three Web that I showed you, your main pages encourage taking a single action, and only a single action.

On other pages we can take several actions. But at the time of sale there is a single action to take and good or very good sales letter.

These two types of structures are quite different. Since the last three Web you'll find in a much more effective, plus you will provide many more results.

Web Site

Now see that is a Web site and is structured. A website is nothing more and nothing less than a centralized place where different pages. I'll be a little clearer.

If you have a page where you sell your mini course where you place you have five items of interest to your visitors, you have another where itemize all your products, you have another which allows contact with you and you have five pages where you sell products and services.

All these pages together make up your Web site, the centralization of all pages makes your website.

I want to make something clear before proceeding, when I say sell the mini-course I'm talking about encouraging visitors to subscribe to a free mini course.

I'm not talking about selling a course payment. But to make a sales letter for the visitor will leave your email address and your name Is this clear?

I assume that these agree that it should be mini-courses by e-mail. I also assume that each page has to take the visitor to take a single action.

Did we build our site?

To build the site we will take an example. Suppose you want to sell to parents of babies, books on pediatrics. Of course you already have a niche market study done and are organizing the site. Where do you start?

Well, first you have to do is to design a website where the main action is to subscribe to as many visitors as possible. Can be divided as follows:

1. About Us: Here you will put all the information from you and your virtual business, as well as privacy policies, as well as present your virtual business and gave them your legal data.

2. High Interest: This will place articles written by you to this section which is not so much that visitors to read these articles but Google will use to improve the indexing of your virtual professional office.

3. Our offer: Here you put the list of products and services you sell. When the visitor clicks the link in the list has to go to stop the sales letter of product you are interested.

4. Faq ¨ s: Here you put the questions that your visitors can that be done. That way you're going to dispel the doubts of them, before they are made.

5. Home: You sell one of the most important products that will have your virtual business. This product will be your mini-course by e-mail Why one of the most important? Simply because you will need to provide prospectuses to sell other products which will enable you to monetize your virtual business. On this page you will sell, parents visit you, your mini-course by e-mail. This mini course will allow them to take care of her baby much more calm and secure. That's what you have to convey to parents to arrive at your site.

Where put the product?, In this case Do the five books? Here you can do two things, first five domains you can register and make a mini site with each of them. Or if you have a dynamic Web pages can put these products in pages of the site. The two alternatives are validated, you choose.

Do these mini sites that pages have to be?

1. Home sales: In this, you have to encourage visitors to make the decision to buy the book. Anything outside this goal attempt against your interests, so you have to make a powerful sales letter to take to make the purchase.

2. Payment page: This page only, the visitor has to make payment of what you just bought.

3. Product download page: This page is downloaded the product, in this case the book of pediatrics and their respective bonds.

You have here. On the one hand a website with five pages, which allows visitors to subscribe to your mini-course by e-mail, contact you. Knowing all the products we sell, to download free products of high interest for the visitor and also evacuate doubts with your list of FAQs.

On the other hand, you have five pages that allows you to sell your books, collect them and bring them down after the visitor has paid. All this together makes your mini site or put another way is your virtual business.

Where each of the pages has a particular purpose and where you take your visitors to perform a specific action and specific. Nothing is left to chance, and the visitor will know right from the start what to do.

The structure just seems too simple to explain. Might make you doubt its effectiveness, but I say that is highly effective, I use this structure and electronic marketing experts speaking too.

If you do not know how to start a profitable Internet business, I invite you to subscribe to my mini course, which this week is still free, "How to Start an Online Business, resulting in only five lessons?, You can subscribe at link:

Daniel Brugiafredo

Is professor of accounting, but has devoted much of his career at the State Bank of Argentina.

Since 2003, begins to develop internet business entrepreneur and has advised more than a few entrepreneurs, business strategies and internet marketing, moving his own experience in online business and knowledge to new entrepreneurs start their ventures on the network. Handles multiple websites themselves: whence and serves entrepreneurs and professionals, especially in Spain and Latin America.

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