Monday, August 6, 2012

The Genesis of the Social Representation - Theme for CBT and Monographs

There are many elements that can explain the genesis of social representations. However, not all are equally important. Some are essential and secondary ones.

It is therefore important to know, understand and act in the field of social representation, respecting the organization, to say, the hierarchy of constituent elements and relationships that these elements remain, narrowly with each other. (Abric, 2003, p.60-61).


Among the aspects that deserve further investigation into, there are two sociocognitive processes that act, dialectically, in the formation of social representations, objectification and anchoring, and its consequences as the central core and peripheral system.

The objectification can be defined as the transformation of an idea, a concept, or an opinion on something concrete. It crystallizes from a social process and figurative, but as a central core of a given representation, then evoked, as concretized and spread out the real from those who express it.

Many authors acknowledge that the central core is the essential element of the representation, not limited to a generic role, and the allocation of essential characteristics, given the central core, is based on the fact he be the element that determines the meaning of representation and at the same time, contributes to its internal organization.

It should be reiterated that the central core, in turn, is determined by the nature of the object and the system of values ​​and norms that constitute the ideological context of the group.

Still, it is in the downtown core area of ​​social representations crystallize, solidify and stabilize, from linking ideas, reified homogenization messages, which are mediated by concrete actions and basically the resistant changes.

The way of illustration, accompanied the following story.

In research conducted by Dagmar Krawczyk Zibas and Daughter in a public school in the State of Ceará, a section of interviews with the director of the school, concerned with the commitment of the operators in regard to compliance with work schedules , records ... the workers have to [work] six hours straight ... [The operator] came and said "I only work half an hour, occurs in half an hour" ... I said ... "no ma'am" and she said "What's owner ... yours? ... this is not mine, nor yours, is public, I do not know how much you hurt demand .... " (Highlight added).

We objetivação Hence, crystallization and homogenization of the representation of the concept of "public" in Brazil, either in the area of ​​education either in health or other services to the population equally. Crystallization and objectification that are real and which are socially produced. The same happens with the knowledge that the production of a monograph or hypotheses in an online CBT also occur so public.

There is negligible considering the fact that this representation of "public", rooted in various elements of what we need to have, what needs to be done, it works as negation always present, no recognition of the important steps to improving conditions teaching.

She continually strengthens descasar vision of public power for the education, which impacts on attitudes and behaviors in school and in the classroom. With this representation crystallized, is as nothing, ever, could be good or relatively good, which creates an unreceptive atmosphere of innovation, while interesting and necessary. Therefore, the effort to change that culture is a condition be a more conscious and critical (and non-reactive and destructive).

That's a space outside the field of linear rationality is not enough information and communication. Be mobilized, to believe, wrap, causing the effective, creating conditions for a critique grounded in objectivity and not common-sense. The misinformation here is deleterious role and for that reason, it is imperative to create more transparent communication paths, more agile, more exposed to revert this situation in which the image of the public school is always something irredeemably ugly and bad.

Pedagogical practices are contaminated with these images, resulting in ineffective ways of dealing with real problems, specifically installed in society, and reflected in the classroom.

In this sense, and agreeing with Jean Claude Abric, say, the central core theory implies an essential methodological consequence: social representation study start, and before anything, pick up the constituents of the core downtown. In fact, knowledge of content is not enough. Thus providing consistency and relevance to the content is its organization, logical and semantic meaning, mainly, its meaning.

Continuing, Abric wound depth considerations and provides an example to clarify them further, saying that two identical contents can match the two different social representations. For example: studying the social representation of the work in two groups of young people (a group of "qualified" graduates with high qualification, and a group of "unskilled" or not holders of diplomas or qualifications) obtained through the procedures for association, two identical outputs.

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