Monday, August 6, 2012

The permanence of the Human

The permanence of the human

Meléndez López Teodulo

Futurists, whose descriptions exceed science fiction, we talk about an industry and agriculture completely robotic, what would happen even with the wars if they persist in the human agenda. The prisons would disappear replaced by microchips implanted, such as electronic bracelets today look out for those who have committed a crime control. Disability due to end smart prostheses and even burns with disastrous effects would be thing of the past before the introduction of an artificial skin sensitive to temperature and touch. Nanotechnology will be perfected replacement implants they can regenerate organs or from the affected body. Those images of teleportation will become reality and we can install an additional hard drive to increase our memory capacity.

We could stop at a thousand and a forecast of what future generations will have or will live, but something we can agree without having to fire the imagination and fantasy is what arises in his essays on Dr. Timothy Leary neuropolítica when We also ensures that the ultimate goal of science is the indefinite extension of human life, that for this to happen requires two things, space migration and elevation of consciousness, man's intelligence to be able to access these scenarios.

So we have said many times: the future of man is in outer space, to become inhabitants of other worlds, but for it, for its survival, must break the limits of your current consciousness. It is possible that we should do long march towards a communitarianism that exceeds today's groups, primarily based on the technology, as we overlook the social networks and the breakdown of old institutions from the family to the nation-state. That is, we may be marching towards artificial evolution, which could also set the new differences between the analysts of the future called "improved" and those who have been refused. The relationship between man and machines has been ongoing theme among the authors speculative science fiction, as in Matrix where it runs on chips in the brain.

We do not dwell on details about our appearance, if computers make us smaller due to immobility and we are like the drawings that have been made of supposed aliens who have been around in flying saucers. The reality is that to face the future in all its manifestations must learn and learn faster. The countries in the future, if they exist as we know countries that are most likely to succeed will be those who will be able to gain knowledge and learning. In some of my previous articles I have been insisting on what is already a common expression in today's social sciences: a knowledge society. To do this we can not distract in discussions banal or stale political practices, forgetting that we need to create organizational learning and transform every school processes. Transforming to inculcate the human values, that is, what has prevented the destruction of our species and still call it today, values ​​such as ethics, truth, morality and feelings. Perhaps what the Greeks called the Sophia, wisdom. Knowledge is not receiving information, it is of knowing oneself and thus be brought to life.

When this is achieved then seek knowledge and to acquire a sense of belonging. Beyond the technological advances of our achievement or conquest of new worlds, be it what makes possible the continuance of the human.

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