Monday, September 10, 2012

CHANGE MANAGEMENT TIPS - 4 steps for the development of effective Advisors process of change

Change management processes Advisor (PA) is a process of two-way street. They can not have an effective and successful Pas if not to educate, support and train them. These measures may be covered in several ways: training, frequent communication, quarterly meetings, annual retreat and peer review.

1. Training: Program of the seminar is offered for Pas to teach the objectives of PA, skills, expectations, and the purpose of further selection and coaching. PA have a very clear and structured set of instructions, affectionately called "PA Waltz", which deals in detail what must be done over several months that make up the development process. The instructions contain information such as guidelines for the preparation of each call and for one-on-one. PA also receive a form to use with their advisees for the planning of telephone contacts, suggested applications for entry journal, and a sheet of newspaper opinion to help you prepare for each call.

2. Frequent communications. The PA program and the staff should have frequent contacts that includes tips on how to respond to calls or e-mail messages, provides a means of exchanging ideas and questions, and allows the sharing of tactics that have worked for other PA.

3. Quarterly meetings and annual retreats. Each has a specific focus of the meetings and is meant to help the PA and program managers to learn from each other and contribute to general knowledge about the process. The annual retreat keeps the staff updated on the latest innovations of the program and thought and provides additional learning and community building opportunities. Sharing stories, experiences, problems and concerns enhances understanding of the methodology of each PA PA and improves its effectiveness.

4. Peer Reviews. By analyzing each work and other techniques are used as tools for learning and coaching for the PA. The Pas discuss their work with each other in the review teams, expanding the knowledge base of each team member, as well as provide assessment, challenge and support each other. The PA then becomes a valuable resource and coach for other PA when working with advisees.

Counseling process blends face-to-face dialogue with the work phone. And 'different from executive coaching, which occurs mainly in one-on-one interactions often led to very high levels for the chosen few and that seems to bring a greater sense of urgency for the organization's strategic success. Consultation process, because of its focus and design, it is valuable to a larger number of people. In a sense, is for the masses, ie, for people in upper management or high potential traces.

The counseling process seems less intense system of Executive Coaching. This may be because it operates within a specified time and a structural framework. This framework includes a clearly articulated goal with the objectives set by the ratio of development, a set of skills to use as reference points, a focus on what the advisee situations or issues must be worked and the development of a strategic plan the course.

Because of the limited face to face of time during any change management process, the PA does not usually have the advantage of being able to read non-verbal signals that can stimulate questions or box. The PA does not receive journal entries before each phone conversation and the advisee may use the material to understand what is happening between calls. Advisees noted several times that face to face is extremely useful because it is an opportunity to reconnect and focus on what has gone on since the last meeting. Advisees also say that the one-on-one feedback allows them to connect with their PA in such a way that telephone calls and e-mail not. Studies indicate that about three months is the longest that the PA / advisee relationship can be kept alive with excitement on the phone .......

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