Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Outsourced Payment Processing Vs In-House

If you are a company that participates in eCommerce and stores, processes, or transmits credit card information, you are required to be PCI compliant. In other words, there is a certain set of standardized security protocols that must be adhered to. For those who do not, the Payment Card Industry has also set up a series of fines and penalties.

The faster a trader becomes compatible with PCI as fast as you can put your worries to rest. And a trader has two choices you can make. A: payment processing outsourcing. Two: in-house solutions. Which one is better? And that is more accessible?

If a trader tries to take care of their payment processing in-house, there will be a number of issues that have to do immediately. Since the beginning are hardware and software installation that are complex and expensive. And I'm also sure that you have the best system possible? And then there is the problem of maintenance and updates. Technology never stops evolving, and criminals are always looking for new ways to get into your system. Can you keep up?

The payment processing outsourcing, on the other hand, it means that you are entrusting the information to a company specializing in the maintenance of maximum flight safety and has the resources to devote to stay up-to-date. When you outsource your payment processing solutions you never have to worry about maintenance or hardware upgrades and software.

In-house payment processing also has a very steep learning curve. Not only is it necessary to implement software and hardware solutions, but you've got to know the difficulties associated with them. As busy merchant, you have the time to start up that long journey?

If you take a little 'time to find the right company for your needs outsourced payment processing, you can find a company with the knowledge and experience to help you set up to process payments, and keep updated as your business continues to grow.

PCI compliance is composed of 12 separate requirements, which comprise more than 200 individual security controls. Compliance is not an easy thing to accomplish, and can take 6-18 months to build in-house. These requirements range from installing firewalls and virus protection to limit physical access to the logging and reporting on any action taken on sensitive systems.

Wen you choose outsourcing of payment processing solutions, however, can significantly reduce the time required to achieve compliance. Why? Given that all new procedures and standards required by the PCI DSS standards are already in place. Precautions, safety, and, above all, support is already positioned to help your company with your PCI requirements.

The payment processing outsourcing is also a good choice for the long term. If your going to stay in business for a certain period of time, then your business needs grow. As it grows, the needs of your system processing of payments also grow. In-house means money of his own money to install the updates. If you outsource the management of payments for the right company, however, you can grow more quickly, if necessary, without having to spend huge resources to the effort.

So there are advantages for processing payments in-house? Some. But only if your company really has the time, people, and resources to do it properly.

As more and more stories about security breaches and compromise personal information reaching the public notice, the payment card industry is starting to fall harder for merchants who fail to achieve compliance. The fines and penalties will continue to worsen because the success of PCI depends on maintaining the integrity of their service.

As such, before it becomes compatible with PCI, you can experience the benefits first. And the payment processing outsourcing is one of the best ways to achieve compliance quickly and effectively .......

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