Monday, September 3, 2012

Free Online Advertising - worth it?

Since I have at least 250 words and can not just put "YES" to answer these questions I will give you some pointers and help you with some free advertising online that will make you money.

First, determine the audience. If you run a travel website, then the public is obviously related to travel. This means that it would make sense to advertise on Web sites or anywhere that is not going to get travelers to their websites.

Now you can understand what you want to use free methods. There are free for all link pages, no ads, discussion forums, Yahoo Groups, Google Groups, AOL Groups, Myspace, Facebook, Hi5, LinkedIn and many other ways to advertise online. There is, however, only one source that will give you the traffic continues for many years to come.

This source is article marketing. In fact this is what I'm doing right now. I'm writing about advertising in the hope that will give you enough information to help you, but they make you curious for more information on advertising. Then, in my resource box that will link to my website that has many other articles about article marketing on it for you to read.

You can do the same thing and the link to your website. For example, if you host a website that sells golf clubs, then you can write a review about them and links to pages that have golf clubs on them. This will give you traffic for a very long time and your article on the Internet will spread over time. This is the best free online advertising methods that are out there .......

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