Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Binary Options

The binary option trading is slowly gaining ground and becomes more popular. Unlike its conventional counterpart in which the buyer has to look at many things before investing. Binary options are financial vehicles easier to analyze. This is because many of the areas to be analyzed in other instruments are not important in the case of binary options, which allows investors to focus on a few variables for your purchase.

The 2 types of binary options are most popular: European options and American options.

In the case of European options, a person "wins" with investment in an option if the underlying asset falls or rises to a level designated by an agreed date (fixed date). In the case of American options, a person "wins" with investment in an option if the underlying price passes a certain level at any point prior to the expiration date. For example if you have a choice of the person may exercise in September and charge for this either any day of July, August or even September before it expires. This is important to determine which instruments are more suited to your needs if American options and European options.

Familiarize yourself with the market-

You can choose to operate cross-platform binary options, also has a variety of activities to choose from when investing in options, commodities, stocks, ETFs, stock indexes, and so on. Some examples are currencies like the EUR / USD, commodities like oil and gold, as the NASDAQ stock index or the Standard and Poor 500.

Familiar with binary options allows you to get a better view of how a particular asset, the market behaves. But if you do not know where the market is operating, then chances are that you lose your investment quickly.

Many online brokers or brokers now provide the ability to negotiate binary options, if you open an account with them. This allows him to operate over the Internet from anywhere in the mundo.Eso if you recommend that before opening an account with any of these brokers, investigate whether they are a serious company and are regulated.

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Best Regards

Luciano Franzoni

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