Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Decorating for Kitchens

Concepts kitchen decor

There is a struggle of concepts for decorating kitchens with architects and decorators as a striving for giving it a modern laboratory and others conceive of it as a home to be warm classic kitchens as grandparents. Either way, the basic concept for designing a kitchen should be efficiency in the disposition of its elements, since these are to be grouped together for the greater economy of space and arranged in a coordinated manner, to leave ample work surfaces.

Three important elements to consider in decorating this room kitchen are the kitchen, the sink and the sink must have despensa.El work surfaces on both sides of the spitting and the side dishes, cabinets where keeps the glass and crockery will be near the sink, shelves, table or counter, contain kitchen utensils, rags, cutting board, cleaning equipment and kitchen basura.Una container need not be white tiles, the linoleum, paint or paper will color wash them and encourage cocina.Las windows will be decorated with brightly patterned curtains or smooth, but not of a rigid material remaining light.

The materials in decorating kitchens are practical floor, tiles, tile or linoleum for ease in cleaning. The walls are only in small portions as most of the surface is covered by cabinets, yet the choice of color can harmonize or contrast with the structural irregularities ambiente.Muchas times with a kitchen are exploited to create pleasing arrangements , extra cupboards or spaces can be used as small kitchens, desks for domestic accounts, closed cabinets or cabinets for glassware and china. According to the requirements will be available to the cupboards and so serve to save steps and terms of work inĂștiles.En kitchen decor and lighting, we must know that although the windows provide good light, it is essential in certain locations of an additional light on this subject every workplace must have a corresponding light. Fluorescent light is excellent for general lighting for kitchens, it prevents the heat from incandescent lamps are also placed lights if there are gaps in the kitchen and dining room in a corner.

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