Wednesday, July 11, 2012

The employer's obligations in Colombia

The following are obligations of the employer to any employer in Colombia and are grouped by the timing and frequency must be met.

A. Every time a worker is linked

Affiliate comprehensive system of social security:

Pension (ISS, corporate pension fund managers). (HPS) Professional Risks (ARP)

Affiliation to the compensation familiarFirma the contract and delivery trabajadorAbrir copy to a folder with the worker's resume

B. Each time it happens

Information on accidents trabajoOrdenar practice medical examination, for admission as appropriate or management through work records EPS.Llevar endowment extraSuministrar dress shoes and work

C. Monthly

Contribute to social security institutions salariosDeclarar levies on wages and payments to the security system socialAportar 9% of payroll through a compensation fund to meet obligations to the box, the Seine and the ICBFRetener and record in banks authorized the retention of withdrawals fuenteReportar developments and changes in wages of workers to social security institutions and the compensation.

D. Semiannual

SENA Report semiannually on variations on the payroll for purposes of the share of apprentices.

E. Annual

Keep records of the general report anualExpedir vacacionesElaborar certificate retencionesConsignar income and layoffs of workers belonging to the funds of learners when appropriate cesantiaContratar this obligaciónPagar interest on severance settled at December 31

Affiliation and social security contributions

Every employer is obliged to register their workers the social security system to cover risks that may affect your health or income. Social security is to ensure the health and economic benefits to those who have an employment relationship or sufficient economic capacity to join the system. You must also ensure complementary social services established by law.

Membership is the source of rights in the social security system. All persons connected with the employment contract, unless the statutory exceptions must be affiliated to the general pension scheme, either the system of individual savings (private funds) or the average premium with defined benefit (ISS), according to the worker chooses as well as the contributory system of social security health system and the occupational hazards.

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