Wednesday, July 11, 2012

How to Take Better Photos With A Cell Phone

In these times of perpetual connectivity, sharing moments of our lives is easier than ever with the massive use of social networks like Facebook and Social Media like Twitter cell phone has become an inseparable partner of photographers and reporters spontaneous fees are ready at all times to document the present, although not yet have the quality of a professional digital camera, practicality and versatility makes them the preferred choice of many. Leverages the capabilities of your cell phone to take better photos with these tips.

Keep the lens clean:

Because the phones are constantly manipulated throughout the day, it is common that the lens is dirty, especially those who do not have a lid that covers the lens. It is important to occasionally review the cell phone lens is free of fingerprints, grease, dust, etc. This will prevent the image is distorted or partially blocked the lens when taking a photo (well, nobody likes to add polka dots on the photos by accident), so to avoid future claims of your friends, check the lens and make sure it is clean and ready for your best smile.

Use the highest resolution available:

The definition and quality of the photographs taken with a cell phone are closely related to the amount of mega pixels that the computer can record when taking a photo. A pixel is the smallest unit of information in an image, in other words, is a point of a defined color, the more the image, the better the definition and reduce distortion to be presented to enlarge it (to print and put in a picture frame for example), so it is important to maximize the capabilities of your computer and use the maximum resolution, in case your phone memory you worry (more megapixels equals larger files), I recommend you look for extra memory, the moments are unrepeatable, is the point of having a camera in your phone, so take advantage of current technology to your advantage.

Move the phone to the correct plan:

A very useful advice to give proper perspective to your photos is "move your phone" consider putting the lens on the level of your target, a flower, a cat, a child, so you can get a shot from his plane, allowing your camera to achieve a better focus and your subject to be the focus of the shot. is not the same, have a picture of a child turning up and with little feet (for the effect of perspective) that a picture of front of the smiling child's face (if you kneel down you take the picture to its height), takes advantage of the flexibility that allows your team and flexible, you're not limited to what your team.


Most cell phones use digital zoom, this means that enlarge the image, use a lens to zoom in, which causes the pictures are distorted to avoid this in your photographs, instead of using the digital zoom, go to your goal, take advantage of your device mobility that allows you to capture and move your subject in greater detail, as a general rule, if you do not take a photograph of yourself using your arm, go to one or two feet from your target ( in case of a person or object) and have good results, and a personal touch to your images.

Do not move:

This is one of the points that depends on both the camera and user, it is very important to keep the camera steady, particularly in photographs taken at night, because the lens stays open longer for the low amount of light or the zoom is used, it becomes much more sensitive to movement and vibration of the hands, at night it is advisable to take multiple shots and then choose whichever is better.

There are three techniques that I have been very useful to minimize distortion due to involuntary movements in the camera.

First, when you go to take a picture, take the phone with both hands and elbows to support your side of the chest as you lean back a little back, this prevents movement caused by the pulse of the hands to take them into the air, technique is most use and generates very good results for its versatility.

Second, use a fixed support, something like a table, a chair, a railing or a tree or a parked car to the shoulder of a friend standing on the side of you, be creative, recharge your wrist or forearm in order to support and that will help stabilize the camera considerably, you can also consider putting the camera directly on the surface as the subject from the side, this technique is very useful in dark environments or shots in which you use the digital zoom, to me has been very useful for taking panoramic photographs of cities I've visited, the improvement in results is dramatic.

Third, some models of cellular function have the countdown, if you have it, I recommend you to use, even a countdown of 3 seconds, and that pressing the button to take pictures the phone is moved a little and This often distorts the image, I use my cell countdown to take 90% of my photos, so I can push the button and have a few seconds to stabilize the camera.


Before taking a picture, takes seconds and analyzes the lighting is one of the most important aspects to consider.

Natural lighting is best, but it is common to see photos ruined by not turning a little about your goal, look for the sun is behind you to illuminate your target entirely and reduce the dramatic shadows on the faces

The most important thing is that you avoid having the sun in front of you, that's a recipe for ruin pictures, as your team seeks to compensate the large amount of light, which causes your target to look like a silhouette and can not see that beautiful smile.

If it is night or are inside somewhere, looking for artificial light sources that work in your favor, come to a lantern that illuminates their faces, a source of shelter and as a last resort, you can use other phones to light up their faces, a kind of improvised external flash, it is important to be creative, the point is to capture those important moments anywhere, also uses the Night mode feature on your phone which is helpful in low light, again, remember that in situations low-light cameras are very sensitive to movement and vibration, use some of the tips in the previous section to keep minimize movement.

Look around:

Before taking a photograph looks there behind your goals, what color is the shirt of your model? ¿Combines better with blue or yellow flowers that are 2 feet away?, Is there anything more interesting than the trash can to the right of your friend? Are there things you are to leave incomplete? (As a branch of a tree that can be avoided), consider how you will see the picture after taken, sailing as a work of art, everything in it (including the background) must be in harmony.

Position Change:

It is not necessary that all your photos with your friends in the middle, you can place them in different areas of the picture, notionally divides the picture into 9 equal zones and varies the position of your objectives as appropriate, for example, if there is a waterfall in the background, your friends can be left and the waterfall in the background in the right section, use your artistic talents and your creativity, your instinct is the best guide, combine this with the next point.

Take Many Pictures:

The pictures you take with your phone is digital, so take this advantage to your advantage, making several versions of the same photo, revolves around your goal to get different backgrounds and lighting conditions were not told and take pictures spontaneous changes the height of the camera (avoid taking them from the bottom up, people appear to be fatter than it is and then you will claim on Facebook), rotate the camera to change the orientation of the photo, using different modalities (Night mode , Modality for Sports, etc.).

Edit your photos

In many cases, you can improve your photos dramatically if you use a photo editing program, many are free and easy to use, my favorite is the free software from Windows Live Photo Gallery, the function of "Auto Fix" does wonders for your photos Some online options that require no installation are: Picnic and Pixlr.

I hope these tips will be useful and can better exploit the capabilities of your cell phone to take pictures, remember that the most important is your creativity and flair, have fun, take lots of pictures, documenting your reality and share with your friends, you will soon be asking for advice to be a mobile photographer like you.


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