Saturday, July 14, 2012

Premature Ejaculation and the PC muscle

Premature ejaculation is a common problem for men, this sexual dysfunction affects 1 in 4 men worldwide, erroneously thought to be a problem of young men who are starting this now their sexual experiences. Clinically, it has proved otherwise, since there are cases even in men over 60 years, suffice it to say that this problem affects a man physically and disturbs both members of the pair of thought-form. The woman is dissatisfied with the relationship when the man reaches ejaculation quickly because in most cases the time does not allow an orgasm.

The currently accepted definition of premature ejaculation is when man has persistent difficulty to control the ejaculatory reflex voluntarily, that is why man is not able to identify or control the phases of sexual excitement so he ejaculates uncontrollably before, during, or within five minutes after the penetration of the couple. This inability to control their ejaculatory reflex negative consequences such as signs of distress, discomfort, anguish, frustration and the possibility of a person to avoid sexual intimacy to avoid having to feel ashamed for repeating an episode of premature ejaculation.

Perineal muscle or muscle pubocccigeo hammock-shaped and extends from the base of the spine to the pubic bone, this is the muscle that contracts to control the flow of urine, also produces involuntary spasms during orgasm. When you exercise this muscle leads not only to have erections stronger and safer, it also increases the sensation during orgasm. Like any other muscle it starts weaken with age and this is where problems arise erectile dysfunction or premature ejaculation.

There are two types of exercises for this muscle, which are made simply to exercise it and those that are made during the sexual act to resist or even stop the ejaculation process, these exercises are easy to do if you have the right information, you must be very caution engaging as any other muscle it can tear or even rupture with catastrophic results. The exercises are performed out during intercourse are controlled contractions intended to lower the level of tension or decrease the level of excitement to lower the symptoms of the ejaculate. Very effective and easy to perform once you know master. If this is done regularly never suffer from erectile dysfunction problems and premature ejaculation.

If at this point you can no longer prevent the onset of this disorder need to practice these and other exercises to achieve a cure for premature ejaculation effectively, you can rely on natural remedies to accelerate the recovery process and avoid the disastrous side-effects.

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