Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Resistance to Change Why?

"We are more vulnerable to change when we surprised .. "Losing control 1.-The change is not seen as bad for himself, but initially as positive or negative sense. According to the personal ability to anticipate and manage its consequences. Tip: It's all about proper management of expectations 2 .- The resistance Resistance is inevitable, and the same intensity and duration varies from one individual to another. For the process is much healthier than the resistance is open and not concealed. The open can handle and deal with. The other does not. Therefore, we must find ways to ensure that all covert resistance to come out to face it properly.

3 .- Where the change occurs? Real change does not occur at the organizational level, but at the level of the individuals who compose it. They are the people who feel the effects of change, and perceive the threat or challenge. Nor are the organizations that refuse, but its members. 4 .- Guide to consider: Key aspects to consider: 4.1 .- Consider How the change affects a person? . This will define your attitude. If the change appears to affect the interests of a group / person is very likely that they / he tends to react negatively. 4.2 .- The impending change people associate with similar interactions he experienced in the past. If previous experience has been good, the bias will be positive (+). Otherwise, there will be a sense of threat, danger and uncertainty about whether future (victim?). 5 .- Corollary: Any change requires certain individual settings but if someone feels it is able to adjust without great sacrifice and perceives that the end result will benefit, will have a positive (+). They feel insecure or incompetent if not perceive benefits. author's website:

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