Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Check this or you out of business

Finding free all over the net too much information, we are confused and perhaps unfocused on what are our primary goals. That is, we are not in good shape devoting our micro but we're losing a lot of effort, time and money.

For these reasons we concentrate and make things as simple as possible. For then our business or enterprise not only grow and we generate income, but we can improve our vision for the future.

Read on.

And a great way and it really is very simple, is to assess whether we are having good results with our micro is just a formula. This formula is so simple but very effective, as we will wake up if we need to change some things or improve in certain aspects.

The result throws this formula, depending on whether is positive or negative, which we will definitely lead to improvement in the necessary aspects of our micro. Because if we are not getting results we can do anything but surrender.

As you taught me a great business leader in the world, we can change a thousand times the model or strategies of our enterprise but we will never surrender or give up. That would not only lose but be lost.

So without further ado or rodeo tell what it is this simple formula we know which way to know if we are approaching or moving away from financial success. The formula is:

Earnings (Business Income) - Investment Costs = Profit.

So if the utility is positive as well. What I recommend in this case is to find out what activities are you generating the revenue required, and what activities. Multiply winning activities and reduce activities losers, to grow more quickly and easily.

In the event that the utility is negative, the road takes more interesting. Since we are still exploring ways to make money with our micro-enterprise, so I recommend you keep educating yourself and trying new things, such as strategies or alliances with others. Keep trying but wanted smart entrepreneur.

And so I finish this article, I hope you do it quickly before it's too late.

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