Thursday, August 30, 2012

Human resource management in an organization

Human resources is the lifeblood of all operations in an organization because the people involved in it are good organization. Whether it's finance, marketing, sales or operations, people and their intelligence is the driving force behind these functions. Human Resource Management is responsible for managing the identification and organization of this intellectual capital. HR works at all levels of business operation, whether it's strategic decisions, recruitment, selection, training or induction.

The goal is to align individual goals and objectives with organizational goals set so that all employees and the entire workforce to work together to achieve them. It also seeks to take care of the interests and benefits of its employees so that there are no conflicts and also addresses their grievances. This is necessary at every level and stage of organizational activity. In fact, it is the basis on which a flexible and strong organizational culture thrives. It takes into account the beliefs of people from different molding conditions and in a common organizational culture. And 'the logical thing is that if people are motivated and clear and direct in their concepts and objectives, processes, ultimately, the improvement and the possibility of errors and imperfections can be minimized.

In essence, human resources is the main nervous system, which sets in motion all the other functions and allows the functions in the organization as staff members of a family. HR professionals are adept at these concepts and strive hard to maintain a friendly environment in the organization .......

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