Friday, August 24, 2012

XELR8 Distributors - security check for all network marketers

XELR8, a company with the signing of the nutritional product Bazi, has pulled the plug on compensation for XELR8 MLM distributors. The distributors have invested time, effort and money to build a lucrative organization only to have the rug pulled out from under them in the mail format.

XELR8 distributors will learn restructuring compensation of the company in early February. The structure of MLM will not be a part of it. Therefore, no new distributors will be able to join the company.

Despite the fact that it is an unfortunate circumstance for XELR8 distributors, it is a control of definitive protection for all network marketer. Again, there are no guarantees in this area and it is best that network marketing is positioned properly. The network marketing industry is where many people find financial freedom and a lifestyle that many people envy. Even Robert Kiyosaki recommends network marketing industry in his book Cashflow Quadrant.

Yet at the same time, network marketers should ask themselves: "What would I do if my company closed down or made significant changes to the compensation plan?". Many are grappling with a subsistence income, families, and way of life that have worked so hard to build. Security control. And 'network marketing everything is safe?

Safety in this area can be found when using a network marketing marketing system, with a proposal funded automatically. Funded proposal is a marketing strategy that has multiple streams of income. These income streams come from affiliate programs that allow you to make a commission on a sale of a product or service.

Network Marketing and their respected companies are not invincible. A lesson learned form XELR8 XELR8 distributors. At the same time, all network marketers are able to create the necessary security in preparation for unforeseen circumstances with their company .......

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