Saturday, August 4, 2012

Papaya Whitening Facial Mask

If you are looking for a way to launder the foot and reduce signs of aging in the face, but have a tight budget, you've come to the right place. Show you an affordable way to create a home-based whitening papaya also prevent facial aging.

Currently, the papaya is used in many skin care. It is a common ingredient in soaps, lotions, toners, moisturizers and more. It's great for whitening the skin and has powerful antioxidants that retard aging.

So as papaya can provide all these benefits? The papaya, papaya enzyme is responsible for skin lightening. While powerful antioxidants that control premature aging are vitamin C, vitamin E and beta carotene. The ingredients and steps are very simple. Anyone can do it.


½ cup of papaya madura1 tablespoon honey


Clean rostro.Lava papaya, peel and remove the semillas.Tritura papaya in a bowl with a fork and mix with a tablespoon of miel.Aplica the mask on your face and leave for 15 minutes. Avoiding ojos.Después area around 15 minutes, using a clean wet towel to wipe his face with water suavidad.Lava tibia.Deja face dry.

And ready. If you worked this recipe you hope to share with others. The papaya fruit as well as other highly effective to complement the natural beauty of the skin and also the ingredients are safe.

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