Friday, August 3, 2012

Sodium cyclamate, what is it?

Sodium cyclamate or "Ciclohexilsulfamato", also known as "E 952", is a sweetener with a sweetening power 50 times higher than other main feature of which is to contain no calories. This made be incorporated into the food industry as an ingredient suitable for low-calorie diets and quickly became popular use. Although international controversy currently two global health organizations (WHO and FAO) support its use, cyclamate is a product that raises controversy over its potential adverse health effects. This controversy began with a ban in the U.S. by another agency (FDA) who called it a carcinogen in the 80's. Years later, the ban was extended to Japan and Mexico for years considered carcinogenic.

Recently it has revived the controversy about the decision taken cyclamate in Venezuela to join the ban, particularly of a product containing this sweetener: Coke Zero IN SPAIN Given the resurgence of the controversy, several countries have decided to take precautionary measures . In Spain, the Advisory Board of Nutrition and Food, Ministry of Health is evaluating the cyclamate restrictions on soft drinks, juices and sweets. For its part, Spain Pepsico Company released a statement regarding this situation it clear that any of its products (Pepsi, Pepsi Light, Pepsi Max and Pepsi Twist) contains sodium cyclamate, ensuring that they meet the quality standards required by the relevant bodies of the European Union.


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