Sunday, August 5, 2012

Narcissistic Personalities

To the student of such personalities, Otto Kerenberg, "narcissists" have a form and style of life lies in a deep emotional imbalance own discretion and their relationships with significant others, where there is a religion for themselves and therefore, are involved in pathological narcissism.

At first glance, look like people very integrated with social behavior exacerbated outward-oriented and appropriate control over their emotions and actions. however, the vast majority of your interactions and communication in relationships of any kind, always have a self-reference. Arguably, that generally monologues hold awaiting confirmation of his interlocutor. Therefore, in the relationship are also shown with a screen that reinforces the image they would like to have enlarged.

Show a great need to be loved, but above all admired. Constantly require the personal tribute. His emotional life in general, is quite superficial, but it seems otherwise. They can not keep up the feelings of others, of course, who can not understand why their partners feel cast aside.

If you do not have reflectors that make them shine in their own image, then experience a large gap and also dock with aggression and hostility. And his inner feeling of uselessness and boredom is. Therefore, if the relationship can not give this bright, fall into the boredom, hostility and emptiness in the chest. They withdraw and withdraw into their own world.

The envied, including on the basis that they want success, flattery, esteem with which others have, they either need them for himself. This envy the paralyzed and unable to catch up with their own expectations.

In a sense, the couple has to meet such requirements and undertake a journey of wonder, and tolerate the anxiety and feelings of futility, which is an ingredient difficult to tolerate for the relationship.

To expand further on these issues and narcissistic have prepared the material they both ask me: narcissistic love and relationship: A link deeply destructive.

You can find everything related to this material in this league

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