Friday, August 3, 2012

The Egyptian Tarot, a legacy of a civilization of Elders

A civilization that dates back 31 centuries before Christ, it certainly has a rich history. In fact, many of his discoveries and inventions are used today in many fields of human activity such as makeup, locks and syringes. One of these developments, full of symbols that are timeless to the human soul is the Egyptian tarot.

Egyptian Tarot originated in the very genesis of his religion. The first outlines of the figures that today make up the Egyptian tarot are in the book of Thoth, an Egyptian sacred books. This legendary book is believed that the first copy was done in real gold leaf. He was dedicated to Thoth, the Greek god of writing and languages. Thoth was usually depicted as a squatting man-headed Ibis, the sacred bird of the Egyptians, with a scroll in his lap. In this book would be expressed predictions about the future and the passing of time and history. Such is the origin of the Egyptian tarot.

Hermes, the Alexandrian scholar, was seen by many as the reincarnation of the god Thoth, and is believed to be the creator of the Egyptian tarot. Hermes was the creator of the major arcana, having found in his tomb a stone engraved with the first of what would be the pictures that we know today of the mysteries of the Egyptian tarot.

The Book of Thoth is older than the pyramids, and in fact is one of the oldest writing documents of record that existed in the history of mankind. It consisted, as the chronicles tell of 78 sheets of pure gold, with figures of major and minor arcana, and content was expressed "that which gives rise to everything else?.

Thus we see from the start is set to the mysteries of the Egyptian tarot as a means of communication between mortals and the deities of the afterlife, the other world that is beyond our earthly realities. Many scholars believe that the word originates from a tarot Egyptian word meaning "the real way?. The importance of placing its origins can see how there are elements that go beyond the history of civilization, which are eternal, that are present in the psyche of all men, for thousands of years. Therefore, the Egyptian tarot can never be taken as a simple code, such meanings are so arcane, but a mystical way that, through the tarotista, the person can perceive what is beyond this world.

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